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Lotus Domino Designer 8.5.1: Basic XPage Applications
Lotus Training Overview

The advent of XPages brings Domino 8.5 into the fold of leading-edge web applications built on top of a rock-solid database engine, the Dojo toolkit, and JavaServer Faces technology.

This course leads you through the essential steps to adapt an application originally developed for Notes and then modified as a classic Domino web application, to become a fully functional XPage application.

Lotus Training Learning Objectives

In this course, you will learn how to:

  • compare and contrast classic Notes and Domino web applications and XPage applications from user and developer perspectives
  • use Forms and Views as schemas for XPage Data Sources
  • establish a correct and secure server and client software environment to develop, test, and deploy XPage applications
  • fully utilize the XPage-related development features of Eclipse-based Domino Designer
  • use both the drag and drop GUI features of the Design tab and the raw editing power of the Source tab
  • use “click to set” properties and Simple Actions when feasible but dig deep into client-side and server-side JavaScript for advanced event handler programming using browser DOM, Domino, and XSP object methods
  • convert an existing classic Domino web application to a full-featured XPage application
  • add and configure user input and container Controls as you build an XPage application step-by-step
  • add and configure both Document and View Data Sources and bind Controls to Field and Column
  • provide full user navigation to create, refresh, edit, save, and delete documents and response documents
  • maximizeView Control features by adding click-to-sort, unread marks, categories and category filtering, response document hierarchy, paging with user-selectable row counts, check boxes, View-level document operations, soft deletes, filter by key, Full Text Search, computed columns, image columns, and columns that perform lookups to other Data Sources
  • learn to spot and troubleshoot syntax and programming mistakes and trap for and report runtime errors
  • implement built-in input translation and validation and create custom converters and validators for more advanced data checking
  • emulate Notes computed, computed for display, and computed when composed Fields
  • leverage internal and external resource files, such as client- and server-side JavaScript libraries (including Dojo/Dijit already on the server), CSS, and image
  • fully implement Domino server, application, XPage, and document security mechanisms including multi-value Authors and Readers Fields, and Active Content Filtering to prevent cross-site scripting hacks
  • control save/replication conflicts and implement Document Locking
  • use scoped variables and Profile Documents to overcome the stateless nature of browser-based applications
  • conditionally load and render all types of Controls and Container Controls based on runtime conditions and learn the secrets behind the new breed of “one page applications”
  • style applications using conventional HTML layout devices, as well as Theme-driven CSS styling such as is done with default server and OneUI Themes
  • display JavaScript Array, multi-value Field, bound View, and ViewEntry collections, and document collections in Repeat and Data Table Controls
  • utilize almost every type of Control and Container Control, and when those aren’t enough, add Dijit widgets that run both client-side and server-side JavaScript
  • integrate XPage applications with classic Domino web applications.
Lotus Training Audience

This course is designed for Notes programmers well versed in using Domino Designer but who are new to XPages. We assume at a bare minimum that you have these skills prior to taking the course:
  • thorough knowledge of the Domino Designer development environment (this course brings you up to speed with Eclipse-based Domino Designer), including Form and View design, @Functions, and how to set the ACL
  • understanding of the Domino object classes, either from using them in LotusScript or Java (Java is preferred)
  • basic knowledge of web development technologies, including browser DOM, (X)HTML, XML, AJAX, Cascading Style Sheets, and some basic JavaScript.
You will benefit more from this course, and be a better XPages developer after this course, if you have also mastered the content from these other offerings: Advanced XPages developers must know Java and Java EE (including JavaServer Faces (JSF) and JavaServer Pages (JSP) technologies).

Lotus Training Course duration

This course is sold as a 4-day course.

Course design

This is a lecture/lab course that follows a task-oriented approach. During the many hands-on exercises, you will adapt an existing Notes/classic Domino web application to be an XPage application. As part of the adaptation you will add and exploit almost every type of Control and Container Control through in-depth explanation and hands-on assignments. As you expand your knowledge about XPages and Eclipse-based Domino Designer, you will immediately apply the concepts and techniques taught in the course as you work on your exercise application.

Lotus Training Course outline

Topic 1: Classic Applications and XPage Applications
    Classic applications for both Lotus Notes and browsers
    How classic applications use Forms
    XPage applications
    Exercise: Open XPage application in a browser
    How XPage applications use Forms
    Document Universal NoteID (UNID) and NoteID refresher
    XPage applications use XPages

Topic 2: Server and Client Software Requirements
    XPages 8.5 versus 8.5.1+
    Domino Server installation
    XPages are run by the Domino HTTP task
    Security enforcement for XPages
    Domino Web Server settings
    XPages server properties files
    Lotus Notes 8.5.1+
    Exercise: Open XPage application in Notes

Topic 3: Eclipse Framework
    Eclipse Perspective and Eclipse Views
    Open and remove applications from Applications View
    Open applications in the Applications View
    Working Sets of applications
    Application properties
    Design element properties
    Multiple Editor View tabs
    Customize Eclipse Views
    Customize and save a Perspective
    Eclipse Help System
    Code Compare

Topic 4: XPages in Domino Designer
    Eclipse Views used for XPage development
    Complementary design elements
    Exercise: Create project application from a template
    Exercise: Set database ACL
    Exercise: Create local replica
    Exercise: Create Product document in your database from Notes
    Exercise: Open the application in browser
    Build Project automatically

Topic 5: Create an XPage and Controls
    Create a new XPage
    Exercise: Create a new XPage
    Add a Label Control
    Exercise: Add a Label Control and test the XPage
    Add a Data Source and Fields
    Exercise: Add a Data Source and Fields
    Edit Box Control properties
    Edit Box tab
    Data tab simple binding
    Data tab Default value and Display type
    Validation tab
    Exercise: Set Edit Box Control properties

Topic 6: Save a Document
    Submit XPage to create a document
    Button Control to save the document
    Save and Close button onclick event handler
    Exercise: Add Save and Close Button Control
    Exercise: Add Refresh Button Control
    Navigate away warning

Topic 7: List Documents in a View Control
    Exercise: Create XPage with View Control
    Open document from link in View
    How Domino picks an XPage to open a document
    Exercise: Open product documents from the allProducts XPage
    Add, delete, reorder Columns
    Add a Column
    Delete a Column
    Reorder Columns
    Click-to-sort and categorized Columns
    View Control Display properties
    View Control Style properties
    Show Unread marks
    Pager Control
    Navigation between XPages
    Launch application to XPage
    Exercise: Launch project application to allProducts XPage

Topic 8: Controls that Use Simple Actions
    Add Button Control
    Simple Actions
    Open Page Simple Action
    Execute Script (server-side)
    Confirm Action
    Action Group
    Exercise: Create product from allProducts XPage
    Exercise: Go to allProducts after saving a product document
    Exercise: Close, edit, or delete document from Read mode
    Link Control
    Simple Actions Help

Topic 9: Computed Properties & Edit Box Default Value
    Static property values
    Data type of a computed property value
    Compute a property value
    Two types of JavaScript
    Example of server-side JavaScript: redirectToPage() method
    Compute the defaultValue property of an Edit Box Control
    Technique 1: Set value from Form Field with computeWithForm
    Technique 2: Server-side script using Domino objects
    Exercise: Server-side script using Domino objects
    Colon operator shows data type
    Technique 3: Server-side script using @Functions
    Exercise: Server-side script using @Functions
    Technique 4: Bind data using Advanced options

Topic 10: Debugging
    Locate JavaScript syntax errors
    When things don’t seem to be working
    Catch and print runtime errors
    Get XPage and Domino object information
    Default error page
    Client-side JavaScript debugging using Firebug
    Firebug Lite Debug Console
    Developer Tools in IE8

Topic 11: Input Translation and Custom Converters
    Input translation in general
    Technique 1: Client-side using browser DOM
    Technique 2: Server-side onblur/onchange using Domino objects
    Technique 3: Server-side beforeRenderResponse event handler
    Built-in converters
    Technique 4: Custom Converter for Strings
    Exercise: Add custom converter

Topic 12: Computed Field Controls
    Computed Field Control value property
    Emulate classic computed Fields
    Client-side JavaScript to change a Computed Field
    Exercise: Compute and save the value of Total
    Simple Action to Set Value

Topic 13: JavaScript Script Libraries
    Create a JavaScript Script Library
    Exercise: Server-side JavaScript Library
    External JavaScript library files
    Load Dojo module

Topic 14: Data Entry Validation
    DIY Field validation using client-side JavaScript
    DIY Field validation using server-side JavaScript
    Client-side and server-side event handler interaction
    Reusing classic onSubmit event handler validation code
    Client-side validation using the Validation tab
    Server-side validation using the Validation tab
    Array of validators property
    Add validators using the All Properties tab
    Exercise: validateConstraint validator
    customValidator validator
    Exercise: Create customValidator validator
    Exercise: validateExpression validator
    Rules of the validators
    Demo: Server-side event handler model
    Exercise: beforeRenderResponse event handler

Topic 15: XPage and Document Security
    XPage ACL entries array of properties
    Document security: Name storage
    Technique 1: computeWithForm property
    Problem with a multi-value list of names
    Technique 2: JavaScript to set Field Flag in Data Source
    Exercise: Set Authors Field programmatically
    Authors Fields you should always include
    Readers Fields
    Other ways to protect an XPage and its document data
    Save/replication conflicts
    Document Locking
    Document Locking and document deletion
    Active Content Filtering

Topic 16: Fixed Option Controls
    List Box Control
    Combo Box Control
    Check Box Control
    Checkbox group Control
    Programmatic access to values selected in Checkbox group Control
    Radio Button and Radio Button group Controls
    Exercise: Grouped Radio Button Controls bound to a Field
    Programmatic access to grouped Radio Button Controls
    Dependent Fixed Option Controls
    Exercise: Dependent Fixed Option Controls
    Edit Box Control with Type Ahead
    Type Ahead Computed Suggestions list
    Exercise: Add Categories (Department) Field to product XPage
    Exercise: Type Ahead Computed Suggestions list
    Split multiple entries in Edit Box Control into a multi-value Field

Topic 17: Scoped Variables and Profile Documents
    Scoped variable objects
    Default value of an Edit Box Control
    Bind value of Control to scoped variable
    The scope of scoped variables
    Client-side JavaScript access to a scoped variable
    Exercise: Display view information
    Exercise: Scoped variable for Type Ahead Computed Suggestions
    Profile Documents
    Create Profile Document
    Set Profile Document Field
    Read Profile Document Field
    Delete Profile Document
    Exercise: Profile Document

Topic 18: View Operations
    Display database and View information
    Show check boxes
    Exercise: Select and delete documents from View Control
    View Control object methods
    Go to top of View
    Change rows property from a Button Control
    Return to same View page after opening document
    Soft deletions
    Categorized Views
    Set expandLevel property in View Control
    Pass expandLevel parameter in URL
    Show single category
    Set categoryFilter property in View Control
    Pass categoryFilter parameter in URL
    Filter column(s) by key
    Set keys property in View Control
    Pass keys parameter in URL
    Exercise: Filter View Control by two keys
    Full Text Search
    Search items using [FIELD]
    Pass search parameter in URL
    Exercise: Create Full Text Search XPage

Topic 19: Response Documents
    Create the response document Form
    Establish the response relationship
    Exercise: Create adjustInventory XPage
    Real-time display of item value from parent document
    Views that show responses
    Traditional hierarchical View to show responses
    Display a computed value
    Single Category View to show responses
    Exercise: Single Category View to show responses

Topic 20: Container Controls
    Panel Control
    Exercise: Panel Control
    Tabbed Panel Control
    Exercise: Tabbed Panel Control
    Section Control
    Exercise: Section Control
    Custom Controls
    Exercise: Basic Custom Control
    Custom Control properties
    Step 1: Create the custom properties in the Custom Control
    Step 2: Read the custom properties inside the Custom Control
    Step 3: Set the custom properties from the XPage
    Exercise: Custom Control parameters
    Complex data Type and Editor in Property Creator
    Editable Area Control (Facet)
    Step 1: Add the Editable Area Control to a Custom Control
    Step 2: Add the Custom Control to XPage and add more controls to it
    Change the appearance of Custom Control in the XPage design
    Shop for Custom Controls

Topic 21: Conditional Display and Styles
    Properties that affect control display and access
    Ways to set display properties
    Some conditions to test
    Example from the Discussion template
    Exercise: Conditionally display Save and Edit Button Controls
    Exercise: Conditionally display Adjust Inventory Button Controls
    Top down styling with Themes
    Tweak the defaults
    Pick a new Theme
    Exercise: Apply a Theme
    Add a style sheet to an XPage
    Exercise: Alternating row backgrounds
    CSS frameworks
    Exercise: Add a style to a Panel
    Framework resources

Topic 22: Computed View Elements
    XPage and View designs
    Computed View Column Header label
    Computed Column value for InStock icon
    Computed Column value with lookup to Domino Directory
    Display HTML from underlying View column
    Display paperclip icon if there is an attached file
    Display picture of the attached file
    Buttons to toggle the display of the paper clip and picture
    Array of NoteIDs from documents selected in a View Control
    Delete documents at the View level with Document Locking enabled

Topic 23: Rich Text and File Upload/Download
    Rich Text Control
    Exercise: Add Rich Text Control to XPage
    Backend methods to create a Rich Text Field
    Rich Text fidelity between storage formats and clients
    Stop XPage users from editing Notes Rich Text
    File Upload and Download Controls

Topic 24: Repeat and Data Table Controls
    Repeat Control Data Source 1: JavaScript Array
    Additional ways to build an Array as a Data Source
    Repeat Control Data Source 2: Simple binding to a View
    Use JavaScript instead to get value of column
    Repeat Control Data Source 3: Collection of ViewEntries
    Repeat Control Data Source 4: Collection of documents
    Layout inside a Repeat Control
    Nested Repeat Controls
    Data Table Control
    Review of Data Sources and value access

Topic 25: Dijit Widgets
    What this Topic doesn’t cover

Topic 26: Navigation
    Review of codeless navigation mechanisms you have used
    Link Control for navigation
    Exercise: Navigation menu using Link Controls
    Programmatic redirection to an XPage inside the application
    Get URL and parameters of current XPage request
    Login/Logout Link Control
    Toggle between Edit and Read mode
    Programmatic redirection to URL outside the application
    “One-Page” applications
    Exercise: Move adjustInventory into product XPage
    Integrate XPages with classic Domino web applications
    1. Open document to XPage from a hyperlink in a View
    2. Open document using a Form from a View Control
    3. Run Agent
    WebQuerySave Agent
    Web Agents

Please contact your training representative for more details on having this course delivered onsite or online

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