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Lotus Domino Designer 8.5.1: Classic Notes Applications
Lotus Training Overview

Over the years Notes has steadily evolved along with Domino Designer to build applications that ran in Notes as well as those that Domino served up to browsers and handheld devices.

Things changed radically when Notes 8 Standard Configuration was retooled as a plugin to the Eclipse Rich Client Platform. Situating Notes inside the extensible Eclipse container enabled the addition of the sidebar with its plugin applications such as Sametime Contacts, Lotus Symphony, and the integration of components from a variety of data sources and technologies (including Lotus Notes Pages, Forms, and Views) by Composite Applications.

Version 8.5 represented a revolutionary change for Domino Designer when it too was retooled to run under Eclipse. Notes application developers could take advantage of the more robust Eclipse Integrated Development Environment tools including code editors, code compare, and search across multiple design elements.

But there was another monumental shift with version 8.5, the addition of XPages and the accompanying Themes, Server JavaScript Library, and Custom Control design elements. XPages were used to create Web 2.0-enabled applications that could create and display data from Domino documents and display values from Domino Views. Continuing the revolution today, Notes 8.5.1 can display XPages, and XPages can be converted into components that can be used in Composite Applications.

Although many new Web applications will be built using XPages, there continues to be a demand for the design and support of “classic Notes applications” that use traditional design elements such as Pages, Forms, and Views. While not as new-tech as Composite Applications and XPages, classic Notes applications are versatile in that they run in previous versions of Notes and in Notes Basic Configuration clients, in the Eclipse-based Notes Standard Configuration, and their design elements can be surfaced in Composite Applications. With a little work and especially with the use of Dojo widgets, these same classic applications can be easily adapted to run on the Web without the architectural “rip and replace” that XPages require.

Note: 99% of the content of this course is the same as our Lotus Domino Designer 8: Basic Notes Applications course, rewritten to run in the new Eclipse-based Domino Designer. If you already have the Basic Notes Applications course, our free Lotus Domino Designer 8.5: User Interface course will get you up to speed with Eclipse based Domino Designer.

Lotus Training Learning Objectives

In this course, you will learn how to:

  • decide which applications are appropriate for Notes and how “Notes classic applications” can be structured to accomplish their objectives
  • create a new database on your local hard drive and create a replica of the database on the Domino Server
  • use Domino Designer to build a simple classic Notes application that is stored on and shared by a Domino server and run by Notes
  • design applications using Pages, Forms, Fields, Views, Framesets, Outlines, Actions, and Agents
  • use the formula, LotusScript, and JavaScript languages to validate data entry and give action to the application
  • establish relationships between documents through data inheritance and a Response Document hierarchy
  • secure the application by assigning user rights and roles in the Database, Form, and View Access Control Lists
  • embellish the appearance of Forms and Pages using style sheets and add general and context-sensitive help
  • create standard and calendar Views that display document data
  • make it easy for users to navigate and control the application
  • use shared elements, code, and resources
  • use Templates to create new databases using your design and Master Templates to centralize your code changes
  • rollout a new application in a production environment
  • maintain the database data and design
  • describe the different ways to exchange data with other database systems.
Lotus Training Audience

This course is designed for individuals new to Domino Designer but who have:
  • significant experience using the Notes 8.5+ client
  • experience with another programming language, or with any worksheet or word processor macro language.
This course relies on the WYSIWYG tools in Domino Designer and only introduces the programming languages used in Domino Designer, so a programming background is not required.

This course is part of a series of Domino Designer 8 training courses offered by us.

Lotus Training Course duration

This course is sold as a 4-day course, but it is unlikely that you can finish all the topics in four days. To finish in four days, it is recommended that you defer the last few topics for self-study. Many training centers allocate five days to cover this material.

Course design

This is a lecture/lab course that follows a task-oriented approach. During the many course exercises you will create a working application from the ground up. As you learn about various aspects of Domino Designer, you will immediately apply the concepts and techniques as you work on your application.

Lotus Training Course outline

1 Getting Started with Domino Designer
    Notes Applications and Databases
      Notes as an Eclipse plugin
      Notes database structure
      Compatibility with older and newer versions
      Composite Applications
      Designer experience
      Programming languages
      Start Domino Designer
      Store database on Local drive or on Domino
      Server security controls new and replica database creation
      Create new database
      Exercise: Create a new database
      Copy an existing database
      How/where applications are executed
    Domino Designer Quick Tour
      Perspective and Eclipse Views
      Customize Eclipse Views
      Customize and save a Perspective
      Exercise: Create a Classic Domino Designer Perspective
      Add and remove applications from Eclipse Applications View
      Eclipse Applications View sorting
      Open mode preference
      Working Sets of applications
      Help System
    Application Access Control List and Properties
      Database Access Control List
      Exercise: Database ACL
      Database/Application Properties
      Exercise: Set Application properties
      Design element locking
2 Forms to Create Documents
    Form Basics
      What is a Form?
      The Form is not the document
      Form designer concerns
      Create a new Form
      Form design panes
      Save the design element
      Test the Form
      Exercise: Create and test new Form
      Form design list
      Form properties
    Fields on the Form
      Purpose of Fields
      Field versus Item
      Add Field
      Edit existing Field
      Copy and paste Fields
      Text properties
      Field properties
      Commonly used Field names
      Internal Field names
      Reserved Field names
      Example of reserved Field name: SaveOptions
      Example reserved Field: Form
      Data types and Field types
      Control tab
      Advanced tab
      Exercise: Add Fields to Product Form
      Rich Text Fields
      Rich Text Lite Fields
    Default and Computed Field Formulas
      Field type and its events
      Example Default Value formulas
      Formula language function syntax
      Programmers Pane properties
      Search and replace
      What Field formulas can contain
      Programming rules
      Exercise: Add Default Value formulas
      Computed formulas
      Exercise: Add Computed formulas
      Debugging Field formulas
      Form evaluation sequence
      What you see is not always what you get
3 Views of Documents
    Create New View
      View characteristics
      Create new View
      Save and Customize
      Exercise: Create a View
      Multiple Editor View tabs
    View Columns
      Add View columns
      Column properties Info tab
      First understand the data
      Column restrictions
      Column Value
      Example formulas
      Exercise: Column Values
      Special View-only functions
      Document statistics
    View Column Properties
      Column properties
      Format tabs
      Exercise: Advanced Format for columns
      Display values as icons
      Exercise: Display values as icons
      Sorted columns
      Exercise: Sorted column
      Categorized column
      Exercise: Categorize column
      Column totals
      Exercise: Column totals
      Use value as color
      Exercise: Use value as color
      Advanced tab: Hide column
      Exercise: Hide column
      Advanced tab: Programmatic Name
    View Selection
      View selection options
      Select documents using Simple Search
      Conditions options
      Select documents using a formula
      Time-based selections
      Select by document property
      Selection by exclusion
      Fuzzy selections
      Exercise: Out of Stock View
      Private Views and select by user name
      Normalizing user names
      Exercise: Sales Rep Private View
      Change the design of a Private View
    View Properties
      View name and alias
      View style
      Options tab
      Style tab
      Advanced tab
      Exercise: View properties
      View index size and performance concerns
      View index refresh
      Purpose of Folders
      Shared versus private Folders
      Special design considerations
      Delete document error
      Exercise: Create shared Folder
4 Application Layout and Navigation
    Application Structure
      Developer decisions
      Application purpose
      Applications NOT right for Domino
      Applications right for Notes
      Application structure options
      Default structure
      Increasing detail
      Linear progression
      Random access
      Inherent Notes client capabilities
      Types of Actions
      Action Pane
      Working in the Action Pane
      Create Action
      Action with Sub Action
      System Actions
      Simple Actions
      Coding the Action
      Action Bar properties
      Hidden Actions
      Hide When
      Exercise: Form navigation using Actions
      Using @Commands
      Syntax guidelines
      @Command evaluation sequence
      View Actions
      Exercise: View Action
      Example Hide When formulas
      Hide When and the Evaluate actions View property
      Exercise: Context-sensitive View Action
      What is a Page?
      Create Page
      Page name
      Exercise: Create container Page
      Hotspot button
      Exercise: Welcome Page with a button
      Computed Text
      Exercise: Page with Computed Text
    Outline Control
      History of the Notes window
      Outline Control features
      Create an Outline
      Step 1: Create Outline and Outline Entries
      Exercise: Create Outline and Outline Entries
      Step 2: Embed the Outline
      Embedded Outline properties Info tab
      Example Outlines
      Exercise: Embed the Outline on a Page
      Special Entries
      Image Resources
      Image Resource properties
      Rollover images and image wells
      Exercise: Add Image Resources
      Exercise: Add Image Resources to Outline Entries
      Frames and Framesets
      Create Frameset
      What usually goes into Frames
      Assign Frame content
      Special Frame names and document preview
      Self-framing design elements
      Targeting content to Frames
      Exercise: Create Frameset
      Special target names
      Notes-only Frame features
    Database Launch Options
      Default database launch property
      Control database launch options
      Database Postopen event for Notes clients
      Exercise: Database launch
      Exercise: Fix a small glitch
5 Accurate Data Entry
    Editable Field Translation and Validation
      Input Translation event
      Input Validation event
      Triggering validation from the Save Action
      Exercise: Add Editable Field formulas
      Field onBlur event
      Field onBlur using Javascript
      Language choice for Field operations
      Form flow
      Automatically refresh fields
    List Fields
      Where the choices come from
      Static text list of choices
      Keyword synonyms
      Exercise: Keyword synonyms
      Use formula for choices
      Use Address dialog or Access Control List for choices
      Use View dialog for choices
      Exercise: Use View dialog for choices
      Checkbox and radio button options
      Refresh on change
      Allow multiple values in Fields
      Multiple value items and Views
      Edit versus Read mode display
6 Response Forms and Views
    Inherit Values
      Why inherit data?
      Enable inheritance
      Using inheritance
      Inheriting data across databases
      Document Universal Note ID (UNID) and NoteID
      Exercise: Inherit data
      Inherit entire selected document into Rich Text Field
    Response Documents
      Three types of documents
      From response to document and back again
      Design response Form
      @Commands to create response documents
      Response with reference
      View Response documents
      Design a hierarchical View
      Select response documents in a View
      Common columns
      Responses only column
      Responses only column formula
      Indicating response documents in a View
      View column totals
      Exercise: Response documents
7 More Views of Documents
    Embedded Views
      Embedded View
      How to embed a View
      Single category View
      Exercise: Single category View
      View Filter
      Embedded Editor
    Calendar Views
      Calendar features
      Create a Calendar View
      Style tab
      Font tab
      Calendar format
      Two types of entries
      Defining just the required columns
      Defining all the columns
      Exercise: Create Calendar View
      Exercise: Show out of stock products
      Optional Exercise: Calendar View Events
      Embedded Date Picker
    Grid-Style Views
      View properties
      View-level edit caveats
      Enabling cell edits
      Column programmatic name
      Inviewedit event code
      Cycling through allowable values
      Exercise: Alter All Products View to be Grid-style
8 Security At All Levels
    Authenticated User Names
      Security model
      Register Notes users
      Authentication process
      Anonymous users
      Hierarchical names
      Authenticated name
      Alternate name
      Domino Administrator responsibilities
      Developer responsibilities
    Database Access Control List
      Access Control List
      Example ACL Entries
      Add users to the ACL
      Acceptable ACL Entries
      Standard settings
      User Type
      Conflicting/overlapping access
      Explicit versus Effective Access
      Access privileges
      Create and assign a role
      Exercise: Define ACL and roles
      Set Administration Server
      Enforce Consistent ACL
      Enforce Consistent ACL and new replicas, new copies
    Form, View, and Document Security
      Form security
      Anonymous Form
      View security
      Document security: Name storage
      @UserName and data type
      Authors Fields
      Exercise: Design element access and Authors Field
      Authors Fields you should always include
      Readers Fields
      Implied readership
      Full Access Administration mode access to protected documents
      Readers/Authors Fields interaction
      Empty Authors and Readers fields
      Authors and Readers fields and Adminp
      Author access and replication
      Determining user access
      Determining user role membership
      Signed documents
    Sections and Controlled Access Sections
      Controlled Access Sections refine authorship
      Define Controlled Access Section
      Controlled Access Sections and true document security
      Controlled Access Sections and signed Fields
    Field Security
      Editor access to update
      Example: Editor access to update
      Input Enabled event for Fields
      Exercise: Input Enabled event
      Field encryption
      Task 1: Create a Secret Key
      Task 2: Distribute the key
      Task 3: Enable the Field(s) for encryption
      Task 4: Associate the key with the Form
      Exercise: Encrypt pricing details
      Encryption caveats
      Changing/ removing document encryption
9 Embellishing the User Interface
    Form Design and Layout
      Non-scrolling header
      Create table
      Nested tables
      Exercise: Tabbed and nested tables
      Cascading Style Sheets
      CSS attributes of objects
      Add a style sheet
      Exercise: Add a style sheet
    Helping the User
      On Open Form properties
      Window Titles
      Exercise: Add Window Title
      Default printout header and footer
      Database Icon
      Exercise: Database/Bookmark Icon
      About/Using this Application
      onHelp and HelpRequest events
      Field-level help
      Enable instant spell check
      Text popup
      Formula popup
      Link Hotspot
      Action Hotspot
      Remove a Hotspot
      Image maps
10 Application Rollout and Maintenance
    Database Rollout
      Rollout checklist
      Application properties
      Notes client ECLs and signatures
      Re-sign the design
      User manually changes the ECL
      Enforcing standard ECLs
      Mail-In Database document
      Testing cycles
      Mitigate performance problems
      Create archive of design
      Design Synopsis
      Edit DXL of design elements
      DXL Code Compare
      Verify ACL
      Server and Domain-wide ACL management
      Exercise: Application Catalog
      Verify Server document
      Copy database to Domino Server
      Create replicas
      Encrypt databases
      Full Text/Domain Search Indexes
      Application Library
      Create Application Library
      Exercise: Publish application
      Notify Users
      Monitor database use
    Update Agents
      Four components of every Agent
      Create new Agent
      Agent design list
      Agents and security
      How formulas operate in update Agents
      Trigger: Running an Agent from the Actions menu
      Search: SELECT statements
      Search: Full text search
      Search: Response documents
      Action: FIELD statement
      Examples: Field and document-related Actions
      Exercise: Review ConvertInStock Agent
    Shared Elements and Code
      Subform examples
      Create Subform
      Exercise: Create and insert Subform
      Computed Subforms
      Example: Computed Subform
      Insert a Computed Subform
      Shared Subform caveat
      Shared Fields
      Add Shared Field to Form
      Work with Shared Fields
      Shared View Columns
      Insert Shared Column
      Find Views where a Shared Column has been used
      Shared Actions
      Shared Elements/Code and performance
      Shared Elements and Code from other databases
      Shared Element and Code caveats
      Templates versus Master Templates
      Create a new database using a Template
      Create a Template from a .NSF
      Second use for a Template
      Default ACL settings in a Template
      Exercise: Create and apply a Template
      Design maintenance
      Create a Master Template
      Inherit the design of a Master Template
      Entire database design refresh
      Specific design element refresh
      Blocking design element refresh/replace
      Copy and paste design elements
      Exercise: Master Templates
      Application Properties that are replaced/refreshed
      Master Template strategies
      Example: One-to-many
      Hide design
      Single Copy Template and Design Compression
      Where to do your design work
      Template auditing
    Data Exchange
      Built-in access from the inside out
      Programmatic access to Notes data
      Drivers and services for Notes/Domino to access external data
      Drivers used by external applications to access Notes data
      Web access to Notes data
      Off-the-shelf applications that access Notes data

Please contact your training representative for more details on having this course delivered onsite or online

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