This course is provided by Wintrac. Wintrac provides one stop shopping for all your IT training needs. Wintrac’s course catalog of over two thousand courses includes courses on .NET training
.NET Training Overview
In this three-day course, you will learn the prerequisites for Windows Workflow Foundation, how to handle exceptions in workflow applications, how to use work with Delay and Listen activities, when and how the workflow runtime persists and tracks information about a workflow, and how to maintain state between workflow Web Service method calls.
.NET Training Audience:
Programmers who will be creating and working with complex business applications.
.NET Training Prerequisites
A strong programming background and intermediate knowledge of Visual C# and of building Windows and Console applications using Visual Studio 2005.
.NET Training Course duration
3 days
.NET Training Course outline
Introduction to Workflow
What is Windows Workflow Foundation?
What Types of Applications Might Benefit from Workflow Support?
What You Need to Use Windows Workflow
Two Types of Workflows
Creating Your First Workflow
Create a Sequential Workflow Project
Workflow Activities
Add Activities to the Workflow
Debugging Your Workflow
Workflow Architecture
Examine the Startup Code
Two Ways of Creating Workflow
Hosting a Workflow in a Windows Application
Create the Workflow
Create the Form and Pass Parameters
Handling Conditions and Exceptions
Introducing Conditional Activities
IfElse Activity
Working with the IfElse Activity
Use an Expression as a Condition
Add or Remove IfElse Branches
Use a Method as a Condition
While Activity
ConditionedActivityGroup Activity
Using the ConditionedActivityGroup Activity
Replicator Activity
Using a Custom Activity
Handling Exceptions
Using the WorkflowTerminated Event
Using the FaultHandler Activity
Using the Throw Activity
Flow Activities
Introducing Flow Activities
Delay Activity and Handling Properties
Working with the Delay Activity
Bind the TimeoutDuration Property
Listen Activity
Suspend and Terminate Activities
Using the Suspend Activity
Using the Terminate Activity
Parallel and SynchronizeScope Activities
Using a Delay Activity to Terminate a Parallel Activity
Synchronizing Access to Activities
Handling Cancellation
Making Decisions in Workflows
Using Rules in Workflows
Using a RuleSet
Using the Policy Activity
Calling Methods in Rules
Setting Priorities
Forward Chaining
Implicit Forward Chaining
Attribute-Based Chaining
Explicit Chaining
Controlling Chaining
Workflow Communications
Calling Methods in the Host from the Workflow
Handling Cross-Threading Issues
Create the Console Application
Create the Interface
Create the Workflow
Create the Interface Implementation
Hook up the Plumbing
Add a Windows Application Hose
Handling Host Events in the Workflow
Create the Solution
Add the EventArgs Class
Create the Interface
Create the Host Application
Create the Host Interface Implementation
Hook up the Event
Create the Workflow
Bi-Directional Communications
Creating State Machine Workflows
Introduction to State Machines
State Machine Activities
Using the State Activity
Using the SetState Activity
Using the StateInitialization Activity
Using the StateFinalizatin Activity
Using the EventDriven Activity
Creating a State Machine Workflow
Creating the Workflow States
Defining the State Transitions
Creating the EventArgs Class
Creating the Interface
Creating the Host Application
Creating the Host Interface Implementation
Examining the Form’s Code
Completing the Workflow
Running the Application
Circular Navigation in State Machines
Using and Building Persistence Services
Introducing Workflow Persistence
Life without Persistence
Using the SQL Persistence Service
Setting up SQL Persistence
Introducing the SQL Persistence Service
Automatic Unload on Idle
Using a Configuration File to Provide Settings
Persistence and Serialization
Creating a Custom Persistence Service
Building the Custom Persistence Service
Reviewing the Situation
Using and Building Tracking Services
Workflow Tracking Services
Tracking Events
Using the SQL Tracking Service
Setting Up the SQL Tracking
Adding Tracking to a Workflow
Querying Tracking Data by Hand
Querying Tracking Data in Code
Creating User Tracking Points
Tracking the Evaluation of Rules in RuleSets
Using a Configuration File to Provide Settings
Tracking Profiles
Default Tracking Profile
Custom Tracking Profiles
Creating a Tracking Profile in XML
Creating a Tracking Profile in Code
Tracking Profile Version Numbers
Modifying a Profile
Deleting a Profile
Creating a Custom Tracking Service
Building a Custom Tracking Service
Creating Custom Activities
Introducing Custom Activities
Simple vs. Composite Activities
Dependency Properties in Activities
Creating a Simple Activity
Create the Solution
Add Functionality to the Activity
Test the Activity
Set the Activity Display Name
Creating a More Complex Activity
Create the LoadTextFile Activity
Test the LoadTextFile Activity
Adding a Toolbox Bitmap
Adding a Validator
Adding a Designer
Modifying an Activity’s Theme
Creating Composite Activities
Creating the Activity
Using Property Promotion
Is That All?
Handling Workflow Transactions
Transactions in Workflows
Using the TransactionScope Activity
Transactions and Batches of Work
Exploring the BankAccountService Class
Compensation in Workflows
Using the CompensatableTransaction Scope Activity
Using the Compensate Activity
Using the CompensatableSequence Activity
Dynamic Workflow Updates
Introduction to Dynamic Updates
Performing Dynamic Updates
Update Steps
Modifying a Workflow from the Host Application
Investigate the Host Application
Restricting Workflow Changes
Modifying a Workflow from within the Workflow
Investigate the Host Application
Dynamic Rule Conditions
Modifying a Rule Condition
Examine the Host Application
Replacing All the Rule Conditions
Workflows and Web Services
Workflow-Based Web Services
Using the WebServiceInput Activity
Using the WebServiceOutput Activity
Using the WebServiceFault Activity
Building a Workflow Web Service
Create the Interface
Create the Workflow
Publish the Workflow as a Web Service
Add Validation
Add a Windows Application Hose
Maintaining State in Web Services
Modify the Workflow
Test the Workflow
Modify the Form
Test the Web Service
Maintain Web Service State in the Client
Invoking a Web Service in a Workflow
Add Fault Handling
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