This course is provided by Wintrac. Wintrac provides one stop shopping for all your IT
training needs. Wintrac’s course catalog of over two thousand courses includes courses on Web Development Training
This courseware helps you make sense of the often confusing and overwhelming system of the World Wide Web. From the browser to the server to the database and back again, you will find out about the languages and technologies that make up today's Internet. This course is designed not only for Web Managers but new Web site administrators and Webmasters responsible for maintaining and updating the client-side and server-sides of a Web site.
- Understand Web development vocabulary such as firewall, cookies, Enterprise Java Beans, markup, scripting, and programming languages
- Understand the history and architecture of the Web, especially how browsers, Web servers, and databases combine to achieve powerful results
- Understand client-side technologies such as HTML, XHTML and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), Web graphics, and JavaScript so that you will know what is and is not possible in a Web browser
- Understand server-side technologies from database queries, to back-end applications and programming languages, the technologies that run on servers. Learn the difference between Perl, ASP, ColdFusion, JSP, and Java servlets
- Be conversant with database technologies including which databases are appropriate for different applications
- Recognize hot technologies, especially Java and XML
- Have insight into future trends such as those driven by the growth in broadband access combined with virtually universal Internet connectivity. From PDAs to DHTML, discover where Web development is going
- Comfortable using the Internet
- Understanding and Evaluating Web Content Management Systems
- Principles of Project Management for Technical Team Leads
- Introduction to Microsoft Project
Course duration
1 Day
Course outline
- Target Audience & Course Goals
- Why the Web is Important
- The Value of Understanding the Technology
- Web History Links/Resources
The History and Architecture of the Web
- General Web Architecture
- Technology Evolution
Client-Side Technologies
- What is Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)?
- CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
- JavaScript
- What is JavaScript?
- Manager’s Issues regarding JavaScript
- DHTML (Dynamic HTML)
- Plug-Ins & Applets
- Flash
- Issues
Server-Side Technologies
- Leveraging Databases and Legacy Systems
- Server side scripts
- Component Based Architectures
- Media Servers
- What is XML
- XML Separates Data and Presentation
- Several standards help XML
- Data Exchange
- Web Services
- Physical security
- Authentication
- Access control
- Data Integrity and Transactions
Architecture, Implementation, and Maintenance
- Project Management
- Site/Application Maintenance
Web Trends
- New Trends on the Horizon
- The Semantic Web and the Grid