This course will provide a 1 day overview of each of the following modules: Dreamweaver MX, Flash, PhotoShop, .ASP, and ColdFusion. Each of these topics can be explored in greater depth
- Comfortable using the Internet
- Introduction to Macromedia Dreamweaver
- Introduction to JavaScript for New Programmers
- Introduction to ColdFusion MX 7 for New Programmers
- Introduction to Microsoft ASP for New Programmers
- Introduction to PHP
- Fundamentals of JavaServer Pages
Course duration
5 Days
Course outline
- What’s New to Dreamweaver MX 2004?
- What is Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)?
- Why are Web documents published in HTML?
- The Basic Structure of HTML Documents
- Introduction to Our Case Study
- Exercise 0: Downloading and Installing the Files for Class
- The Dreamweaver MX Interface
- Module Objectives
- Panels and Panel Groups in Dreamweaver MX 2004
- Beginning a new Document in Dreamweaver MX
- Changing the Page’s Title
- Adding & Formatting Text
- Inline Styles
- Block-level Styles
- Lists
- Horizontal Rules
- Test Your Knowledge
- Module Review
Images, Colors, and Backgrounds
- Module Objectives
- Working with Images
- Web Safe Color
- Test Your Knowledge
- Module Review
Adding Links
- Module Objectives
- The three types of links: http, file, and mailto:
- Adding Hyperlinks in Dreamweaver MX
- Adding Email Links
- Test Your Knowledge
- Module Review
Tables for Data
- Inserting a Table in Dreamweaver MX
- “Expanded View”
- Resizing Table Cells
- Adding Rows and Columns
- Joining and Splitting Table Cells
- Cellpadding, Cellspacing, and Border
- Importing Table Data
- Using Dreamweaver MX’s Preformatted Tables
- Test Your Knowledge
- Module Review
Working with Forms
Tables for Page Layout
- Module Objectives
- Creating Tables for Page Layout
- Test Your Knowledge
- Module Review
Module Objectives
- How form elements work
- What Form Elements Can I Choose From?
- Inserting Form Elements
- Testing Your Knowledge
- Module Review
Designing Dynamic Elements
What is JavaScript?
- Which browsers support JavaScript?
- Dreamweaver MX: Behaviors, Events and Actions
- Form Validation
- Test Your Knowledge
- Module Review
Dynamic Rollover Buttons
- Module Objectives
- Test your Knowledge
- Module Review
Site Management
- Module Objectives
- The Site Files Window
- Mapping your site
- Expanding Site Files Window
- Checking your links
- Connecting directly to a server via FTP
- Test Your Knowledge
- Module Review
II. Introduction to Photoshop and Graphic Design for the Web
Design for Aesthetics and Functionality
- Graphic File Formats for the Web
- Image Compression for the Web
- < File > Save vs. Save for Web
Site Design
- Metaphors
- Branding
- Basics of Web Design: Color
- Techniques to choosing a unique palette
- Color Theory
- RGB Color Space
- Bit Depth
- Adding Color Swatches to the Palette
- Creating a Stored Color Table
Design Basics: Page Layout
- Design Theory
- Other Variables: Monitor size and Resolution
- Image Size Example
- Page Dimensions
Photoshop Basics
- Photoshop Overview
- History Palette
- Layers
- Creating an Image
- Selecting Parts of an Image
- Drawing/Editing Tools
Adding the illusion of a 3rd dimension
- Perspective
- Photoshop Layer Styles & Effects
Naming Slices, Empty Table Cells, Transparency, & Backgrounds
- Empty Table Data Cells
- Setting Background Color or Image
Aliasing and Anti-Aliasing, Vector Graphics and Raster Graphics
- Vector Graphics versus Raster Graphics
- Anti-aliasing
- Setting a Matte
- Why Use Transparency?
III. Introduction to Flash MX 2004
- Introduction to Our Case Study
- Flash Workspace
- The Stage, Timeline, Toolbars, and Panels
- Panels
- Document Properties
- Layers
- Rulers, Grids, Guides, and Snapping
- Drawing Tools – Paths and Fills
Using Solid Color and Gradient Fills
- Creating a Gradient
- Adjusting a Color’s Alpha Transparency
- Adjusting Gradients
Working with Text
Using Layers
Importing Colors and Graphics
- Saving and Importing Colors
- Importing Artwork
- Adding Scenes
The Library and Symbols
Timelines and Animation
Motion Tweening
Publishing/Exporting the Flash Movie
IV. Active Server Pages: A Web Server-Side Technology
Client-Side vs. Server-Side Web Technologies
The Web's Client-Server Relationship
- Which Web Servers Support Active Server Pages?
- Writing ASP Pages
- ASP Code In An HTML Context
- ASP Code Is “Language Neutral”
- VBScript Statements to Execute in ASP
- Enclosing Scripting Code within your ASPs
- Strings in VBScript
- An Abbreviation for Response.Write
- Developing ASPs in This Class
- ASP Directives, Statements, Expression and Comments
- VBScript Flexibility and Good Programming Practices
Processing Data from Online Forms
- The FORM Tag and Its Attributes
- ASP Objects
- The Request and Response Objects
- Scalar Variables in ASP
Conditional Constructs with “If”
- Comparison Operators in VBScript
- Adding an Else Clause
- Adding One or More ElseIf Clauses
Working with Cookies
Maintaining State with the Session and Application Objects
- The Session Object
- Storing and Retrieving Values Using the Session Object
- Session Properties and Methods
The Application Object
Working With Components
Sending Email with CDONTS
V. Introduction to ColdFusion
Accessing the Date and Time in ColdFusion
- Date Functions in ColdFusion
- Time Functions in ColdFusion
- Date Formats in ColdFusion
- Time Formats in ColdFusion
Working with Variables in ColdFusion
- Setting Variables with
- Displaying the Value a Variable Contains with
- Passing Variables Between Pages in ColdFusion
- Passing Variables Via Links (URLs)
- Passing Variables Via Forms
- Building Forms with ColdFusion Studio
- Creating Form Elements
Distinguishing Among Variable Types in ColdFusion
Conditionals in ColdFusion
- and Conditionals
- ColdFusion Conditional Operators
- Using and to Perform Form Validation
- and Form Validation
- Adding One or More Blocks to a Conditional
Database Concepts
- The Databases Used in this Class
- An Introduction to SQL
- Issuing Database Commands with SQL
- Retrieving Information with SELECT
- Inserting a Row in a Table with INSERT
- Editing Records with UPDATE
- Delete Records with DELETE
- SQL Syntax
- Querying a Database in ColdFusion
- The Tag
- The Tag and its query Attribute
- Distinguishing Query Variables From Other ColdFusion Variables
- Counting the Number of Records Returned from a Query with
- queryname.recordcount
Displaying Multiple Records Returned by a Query in HTML Table Format
- Creating HTML Tables Manually
- Creating HTML Tables with the Tag
Dynamically Populating Select Lists
Implementing Basic Data Drill-Downs
Inserting Records into the Database
- Inserting a Record into a Database Table with ColdFusion
- Inserting a Work of Art into the Artworks Table
- Using Hidden Fields to Pass Data in a Form Submission
The <cfinsert> Tag
Form Validation
Server-side Form Validation
Editing Records in the Database
- Editing Records with UPDATE
- Building an Editing Application to Edit Works of Art
- Using the < input> Tag’s value Attribute to Show Database Values
- The UPDATE Page
- The <cfupdate> Tag
- Using the <cflocation> Tag to Redirect Users
- The <cflocation> Tag
- The isdefined() Function
Deleting Records from the Database
- Removing Records from a Database with the SQL DELETE Statement
- Deleting Works of Art from our Database
- Generating Email Messages with the <cfmail> Tag