This course is designed to provide technical information for System Administrators This course covers the architecture and components of WMB. The installation, administration, and using of WMB. Students will learn about Toolkit and Explorer new functions . The use of tools to design and manage message flows and apply them in applications will be shown. Performance factors and ways to collect data will be discussed. Problem determination and debugging techniques are shown The IBM supplied nodes are covered and common functions will be covered. There are many hands-on labs throughout the class.
Students should have experience and knowledge of WMQ
This course is designed for WMQ and WMB administrators who are supporting WMB
- WMB V8 Overview
- Installation and Customization
- WMB Toolkit (Workbench)
- WMB Explorer
- Deploy and Control Message Flows
- High Availability
- Control and Security
- Performance
- Debugging and Problem Determination
Course Duration
3 Days
Course outline
I. WMB Overview
A. Architecture of ESB
B. Components and Structure
II Installation and setup
A. Hardware and software requirements
B. Preparation
C. Installation
D. Security setup
E. Post-installation setups
F. Tailoring
Exercise 1. Installation of WMB Runtime, Toolkit, and Explorer
III. Message Broker Tool Kit and WMB Explorer
A. Using WebSphere Broker Toolkit
B, Using WebSphere Broker Explorer
C. Deploy a Message Flow
D. Some common Nodes
E. Web Browser Interface
Exercise 2.Create Broker, Execution Group, Simple Message Flow Deploy and Test
IV. Other Functions
A. DFDL (Data Format Description Language)
B. Message Repository Manager (MRM)
C. High Availability
Exercise 3.Create a HA Broker, and Test
V. Broker Administration
A. WMB Commands
B. Versioning Control
C. Batch Deployment
D. Backing up components
E. Security
F. Bar File Editor
G Error Handling
H Set up Global Transaction
I. Support Pacs
Exercise 4.Use Batch command to deploy and use bar file editor
VI. Performance and Monitoring
A. Performance Overview
B. WMB Statistics and Accounting
C. Traces
Exercise 5.Capture Statistics and uses trace