Unix Training Overview
This five-day course focuses on providing students the skills and knowledge to perform system administration tasks.
Unix Training Audience
UNIX users and/or administrators interested in gaining a comprehensive understanding of the administrative aspects of the UNIX operating system.
Unix Training Prerequisites
Completion of Introduction to UNIX or equivalent experience.
Unix Training Course duration
5 Days
Unix Training Course outline
Brief History of UNIX
Three Parts of the OS
Default Shells
Add-On Shells
Man Pages and Other Documentation
Additional Resources
Hardware Requirements for Solaris
Installation Methods
Bringing the System Down
Starting the Installation
Step-by-Step Installation Options
Additional Resources
Post Installation
Configuring the Host Table
Post Install Files
Displaying Disk Usage by Directory
Displaying Disk Usage by Filesystem
Displaying Disk Usage by User
Introduction to the Solaris Management Console
Additional Resources
The Open Boot PROM
What is the Open Boot PROM?
Displaying Basic System Information
Getting Help
Displaying SCSI or IDE Devices
Displaying Device Alias Names
Creating Custom Device Alias Names
Displaying PROM Variables
Setting PROM Variables
Resetting PROM Variables to Factory Preset
Booting from PROM
Recovering from a stop-a
Additional Resources
Software Administration
Displaying Package Information
Removing Packages
Adding Packages via Scripts or the Command Line
Spooling Packages
Installing from Spooled Package
Removing a Spooled Package
The pkgchk Command
Review of the /var/sadm Files
Using admintool to Administer Packages
Additional Resources
What are Patches?
Where to Get Patches
Patch Reports
Patch Documentation
Preparing Patches
Installing Patches
The /var/sadm/patch Directory
Displaying Installed Patches
Removing Patches
Additional Resources
User Accounts
The /etc/passwd File
The /etc/shadow File
The /etc/group File
Using Admintool to Administer Group and User Accounts
Using smuser and smgroup to Administer Group and User Accounts
Using Solaris Management Console to Administer Group and User Accounts
Adding Group Accounts via the Command Line
Deleting Group Accounts via the Command Line
Adding User Accounts via the Command Line
Deleting User Accounts via the Command Line
Additional Resources
System Security
Password Security
Recording Failed Login Attempts
Shifting to Another Account
User Information
Changing the User Ownership of a File
Changing the Group Ownership of a File
Who is Logged in Now?
Who has Logged in the Past?
Controlling Logging In
Controlling su Attempts
Preventing stop-a
Preventing FTP Access
Additional Resources
Administering Initialization Files
What are Initialization Files?
A Review of Common Customizations
Bourne Shell Initialization Files
Korn Shell Initialization Files
C Shell Initialization Files
Testing Initialization Files
Additional Resources
Basic UNIX Permissions
Setting Default Permissions
Special Permission: setuid
Special Permission: setgid
Special Permission: sticky bit
Additional Resources
Boot Process
Run Levels
Overview of the Boot Phases
The init Phase
Modifying a Run Level
Changing to Different Run Levels
Displaying Boot Messages
Additional Resources
Directory Hierarchy
Physical Device Names
Logical Device Names
The /etc/path_to_inst File
Displaying Devices
Virtual Filesystems vs. Physical Filesystems
Why Have Partitions?
The format Utility
Partitioning with SMC
Filesystem Types
The UNIX Filesystem
Creating a New Filesystem
Adding New Devices
Additional Resources
Local Disk Management
What is Mounting?
The mount Command
Mount Rules
The umount Command
umount Rules
Mounting Automatically at Boot
The mountall Command
The umountall Command
Review: The df Command
Mountain PCFS and HSFS
Mounting from the CD-ROM
Additional Resources
Configuring Filesystems
Why Filesystems Break
Fixing Filesystems with fsck
Additional Resources
Administering Process
Listing and Stopping Processes
CDE Process Manager (Solaris 8 and Higher Only)
The prstat Command (Solaris 8 and Higher Only)
The Solaris Management Console (Solaris 9 and Higher Only)
The ps and kill Commands
The pgrep and pkill Commands (Solaris 8 and Higher Only)
The xkill Command
Controlling Job Priority
Using crontab
Using the at Command
Additional Resources
Backup and Recovery
Why Perform Backups?
Full and Incremental Backups
Logical Tape Device Names
The ufsdump Command
Backing up the / and /usr Filesystems
The ufsrestore Command
The restoresymtable File
Restoring the / Filesystem
The mt Command
The tar Command
Compressing Large Files: compress
Compressing Large Files: gzip
Compressing Large Files: zip
Encoding Binary Files
Emailing Files
UFS Snapshots
Additional Resources
Setting up Remote Access Authentication
Remote Login
Remote Shell
Remote Copy
rlogin vs. telnet
Restricting telnet
Review: /etc/default/login
rcp vs. FTP
Restricting FTP
Disabling rlogin, rsh and rcp
Displaying Remote Users
Checking the Status of Machines
Additional Resources
Using admintool to Set Up Network Printers
Printing Files
Monitoring the Print Queue
Canceling Print Jobs
Specifying a Default Printer
Printer Classes
Checking Printer Status
Managing the Print Queue
Printing with Different Priorities
Rejecting Print Jobs
Moving Print Jobs
Recovering from Common Printer Problems
Removing a Printer
Additional Resources