Unisys Mainframe Training Overview
This course provides an in-depth study of selected advanced (UCOB) topics. This course emphasizes all topics with hands-on workshop for the students
Unisys Mainframe Training Prerequisites
ECL and a standard Unisys editor (such as IPF)
Intermediate COBOL Programming course or equivalent
Unisys Mainframe Training Audience
COBOL programmers
Unisys Mainframe Training Course duration
5 Days
Unisys Mainframe Training Course Objectives & Topics
- Create and use MULTI-DIMENSIONAL tables
- Correctly use SET, SEARCH, and SEARCH ALL
- Load and write tables
- Create and use COBOL “copy” Procs
- Create and use subroutines/subprograms
- Pass Data in/out of subroutines using LINKAGE SECTION
- Pass data in/out of subroutines using COMMON-STORAGE SECTION
- Use the String Manipulation Commands
- Understand the format and purpose of the Run Condition Word (RWC)
- Pass information to/from COBOL and ECL using the RCW and
- Correctly use the intrinsic functions