Sybase Training Overview:
Students attending this class will learn how to design, set up, and administer a Sybase Replication Server 15.0 environment. They will also learn the fundamental differences between a state consistent replicated data design and a distributed application data design. The basic functions of Replication Server starting with basic replication concepts, architecture, usage, and administration issues will be presented. Attendees will create replication definitions, database replication definitions, subscriptions, and understand materialization options, as well as error handling and routes. In addition, an introduction to heterogeneous replication will be discussed.
Sybase Training Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Discuss the components and architecture of a Sybase Replication Server system
- Replicate user transactions and/or stored procedure executions
- Monitor, administer and modify a replication system
- Monitor, troubleshoot, and customize a Replication Server environment
- nstall Replication Server and configure databases for replication
Sybase Training Prerequisites:
Students attending this class should currently be Sybase System and Database Administrators for the Adaptive Server Enterprise who are interested in learning how to become system administrators for the Sybase Replication Server. Students should be familiar with ANSI SQL programming and Sybase Transact_sql coding. Students should have been Sybase ASE system administrators for a period of at least three months.
Sybase Training Audience:
Database Administrators, Replication Server Application Developers, Replication Server System Administrators, Data Application Designers
Course duration:
5 days
Sybase Training Course outline
Fundamental Data Replication Concepts
Replication Server System Architecture
Sybase Central and the Technical Library
Table Replication Definitions
Table Subscriptions
Deploying Stored Procedure Replication
Troubleshooting Common Errors and Exceptions
Performing a Replication Server Installation