The Sybase Performance and Tuning class provides the students with a detailed understanding of the many methods they can employ to maximize the advantages of the Sybase relational database management system. Students will be presented with numerous step by step procedures to implement in order to realize the most useful capabilities within Sybase.
Many class exercises and potential problem situations will be discussed as a means to reinforce the material presented within the lectures.
Upon completion of the course, the students will have a detailed knowledge of the manner by which to achieve the most practical and efficient processing available within the Sybase Server system.
Sybase Training Objectives:
Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to implement numerous tuning and performance factors that will provide them with very efficient processing within their databases.
The student will understand the internal means by which the optimizer processes, and will be knowledgeable of the advantages of indexes. Logical and physical data structures will be understood by the students, as well as the methods by which Sybase internally performs it processing.
The students will understand ways of writing SQL statements that will process quite efficiently. Methods which allow for effective processing in multi-user environments will be discussed in detail.
Sybase Training Prerequisites:
Students should have an understanding of the facilities of Structured Query Language processing, and should have attended the Introduction to Sybase and Transact_SQL facilities class. Additionally, students should have been working with Sybase for a period of at least three months.
Sybase Training Audience:
This course is recommended for applications programmers, system and database administrators, database designers and all other related personnel who require an in-depth understanding of the means by which to tune the Sybase system. People who are interested in learning how to code efficient SQL statements should also attend this course.
Course duration:
5 days
Sybase Training Course outline
Performance and Tuning Objectives
Factors that Influence Performance
SQL Coding Conventions
Means by which to code SQL Statements to obtain the most effective performance
Logical Database Design
Normalization versus Denormalization
Denormalization Techniques
Physical Data Structure
Index Structures
Row Modification Processing
Fill Factor Advantages and Disadvantages
Computing Index Sizes
Size and Speed of Indexes
Index Performance Considerations
Determining When to Use Indexes
Index Data Distribution Statistics
Query Optimizer Processing
Search Arguments
OR Processing
Optimizer Join Processing
Row and Page Estimates
Index Covering Techniques
Performance Considerations for Aggregates
Multi-Table Joins
Nested Iterations
Sort merge joins
Hash joins
Reformatting Strategy
Stored Procedure Considerations
When and how to recompile stored procedures
Temporary Tables
Multi-User Locking Facilities
System Tuning Capabilities
Database Options
Analyzing Problems