The INTRODUCTION TO SYBASE IQ class will teach participants how to utilize this product to accomplish their data warehousing requirements. Students will be taught how to write intelligent queries and interactive ad hoc statements. Multiplexing, efficient query execution, incremental loading, fast aggregations, parallel processing, stored procedure processing and indexing will all be discussed in great detail. Participants attending this class will also be taught how to use the Sybase IQ administration utilities such as Sybase Central and DBISQL.
Sybase Training Objectives:
Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to create and process SYBASE IQ tables and all related entities. The students will be able to efficiently access Sybase IQ data, and be capable of creating and managing stored procedures, databases, users, groups and views. The students will understand the concepts and facilities provided through Sybase IQ and will efficiently be able to access their required data.
Sybase Training Prerequisites:
Having worked with a relational database management system will be of advantage for a prospective student, but is not required.
Sybase Training Audience:
This course is recommended for applications programmers, systems programmers, database administrators, database designers and all other related personnel who require an in depth understanding of the SYBASE IQ facility.
Course duration:
2 days
Sybase Training Course outline
The Sybase IQ product
Sybase IQ Components
The demo database
Sybase IQ Concepts
- Catalog store
- Dbfile
- Dbspace
- Free list
- IQ main store
- IQ temporary store
- IQ transaction log
- Join index
- Partition key
- Proxy table
- Range partition
- Synchronization
- Table partition
- Tablespace
- Tables
- Primary and foreign keys
- Queries
- System tables
Connecting to servers
Viewing a database schema
Viewing database tables
Viewing objects
Sending commands to the database
Managing databases
Managing tables
Editing existing tables
Deleting tables
Managing procedures
Managing users
Managing groups
Creating column indexes
Creating join indexes
Loading data
Managing dbspaces
Adding rows to a table
Deleting rows
Updating rows
Data consistency
Synchronizing join indexes
Deleting dbspaces, tables and indexes
Using views
Defining a view
Restrictions on views
Student Lab Assignments