Today’s work environment often includes high-tech oversight with traditional supervision skills. Both can be very time consuming. This course provides strategies for balancing computer-based documentation and reporting with the face-to-face coaching and encouragement your employees need to do their best work. You will learn how to establish a regular schedule that combines both “open door” hours for your employees and colleagues and “closed door” hours for concentrating on your computer work. As a result, you will maintain visibility and relationships while ensuring the highest quality of your technical oversight work.
Managers or supervisors
Course duration:
Half day
Course outline:
1. Balancing High Tech and High Touch
- Introduction: What’s different
- A quick primer on time management
- Establish a regular schedule
- Avoid the trap of “hiding” behind your computer
- Handling interruptions and emergencies
2. Coaching and Encouraging Employees in the New Automated Environment
- Create quick coaching opportunities
- Increase positive feedback
- Practice
- Support discouraged employees
- Identify and overcome obstacles
- Change negative self-talk
- Build esprit de corps
- Special situations
3. Real-World Applications