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Level 1
Introduction |
About the Course
Course Objectives
Course Prerequisites
Course Format
Internet Applications: The Big Picture
The Dynamic Page Advantage
The Next Generation Internet Applications
Unit 1: Introduction to ColdFusion MX
Understanding the Interaction between Web Server, Application Server, and Browser
Advantages of ColdFusion as an Application Server
The ColdFusion MX Components
The New ColdFusion MX Architecture
Why is MX Better than all Previous Versions of ColdFusion?
New Features in ColdFusion MX
Integration Capabilities of ColdFusion MX
Unit 2: Introduction to Dreamweaver MX |
What Happened to ColdFusion Studio?
Overview of Dreamweaver MX Features
Selecting a Workspace
Defining a Site
Finding Help
Right Click Functionality
Understanding Panels
The Insert Bar
Keyboard Shortcuts
Setting Preferences
Code Hints and Tag Completion
Customizing Dreamweaver
Unit 3: Publishing Dynamic Data |
Creating a Data Source
Querying Database Tables
Setting Local Variables
Outputting Query Result Sets and other Variables to a Page
Unit 4: ColdFusion MX Programming with CFML
Performing Conditional Logic
Creating Different Types of Conditional Looping
Including Common Code
Redirecting users to an URL
Common CFML Usage
Unit 5: Introduction to ColdFusion Functions
Learning Usage Rules of Functions
Becoming Familiar with Different Groups of Functions
Learning to Use Common Functions
Introduction to User-Defined Functions
Level 2
Unit 6: ColdFusion Forms
Creating Various HTML Forms and Controls
Collecting User Input from Forms
Creating a Form Action Page that Uses <CFQUERY>
Dynamically populating SELECT controls
Dynamically populating <CFSELECT>
Publishing a List to Users Based on their Selections
Using Server Side Data Validation
Using Client Side Data Validation
Validating for Special Values
Unit 7: Dynamic URL Parameters (data drill-down)
Using URL Parameters to Pass Data Between Pages
Using URL Parameters to Create a Dynamic Data Drill-Down Page
Unit 8: Inserting and Updating Data
Creating a ColdFusion MX Form for Inserting Data
Creating an Insert Action page
Creating a ColdFusion MX Form for Updating data
Creating an Update Action Page
Pre-filling Form Controls with Current Database Values
Adding Records to a Database
Updating Records in a Database
Unit 9: Creating Application Enhancements
Creating a Delete Records Routine
Using JavaScript to Enhance Delete Routine
Create a Browse Next n Records Routine
Caching Queries for Better performance
Creating a Search Interface
Level 3
Unit 10: ColdFusion Java Controls
Adding Java Controls to <CFFORM> Blocks
Java Slider Controls
Java Tree Controls
Implementing a Java Grid Control
Creating Your own Java Controls
Unit 11: Debugging and Troubleshooting
Recognizing and Fixing Web Server Configuration Problems
Recognizing and Fixing ODBC Driver Error Problems
Handling SQL Statement Syntax and Logic Errors
Fixing ColdFusion MX Syntax Errors
Recognizing and Fixing URL and Path Problems
The Ten Commandments of Application Development
Unit 12: Structured Error Handling
Catching Errors as They Occur
Introducing <CFTRY> and <CFCATCH>
Basic Exception Handling
Templates that Work Around errors
Templates that recover from Errors
Nesting <CFTRY> Blocks
Introducing <CFRETHROW>
Introducing <CFTHROW>
Unit 13: Introducing the Web Application Framework
Becoming Familiar with the Application Framework
Using Application-Level Variables
Use of <CFERROR>
Understanding the Use of CFID and CFTOKEN in Maintaining State
Introduction to Application Variables
Introduction to Cookie Variables
Introduction to Client Variables
Introduction to Session Variables
Introduction to J2EE Sessions
Unit 14: Creating a Security/Authentication Routine
Designing for Security
Designing for Page to Page Authentication
Using Session Variables
Locking Session Variables with <CFLOCK>
Creative Use of Multiple Application.cfm Files
Creating a Logout Routine