This course will integrate a combination of instructor-led discussions and interactive workshops to demonstrate the development and testing of server-side applications using J2EE v1.4 component model. This course will focus on illustrating the use of the WebSphere Studio Application Developer product for developing servlets, JavaServer Pages and Enterprise JavaBeans. Additionally, the role of the WebSphere Application Server v5.1 for testing, use of WAR and EAR files, debugging and deployment will be highlighted. Each student will learn the best practices solution for developing J2EE applications using Model-View-Controller framework and the separation of servlets, JSPs, JavaServer Faces and JavaBean components.
Each student should have a basic understanding of the WWW and have been exposed to the Java programming language.
Class Format
Lecture and Lab
Java developers, web page designers and other professionals that will be designing, developing and implementing web applications using JavaServer Pages, servlets, Enterprise JavaBeans and implementing them using IBM’s WebSphere Application Server v5.1
Learning Objectives
After completing this course, the student should be able to:
- Understand the role of the WSAD v5.1 IDE
- Explain the role of WSAD projects and perspectives
- Demonstrate the usage of WSAD wizards for
rapidly developing components, projects and
- Illustrate the J2EE 1.4 component model and
role in designing server-side applications
- Develop, debug and test servlet applications
using Servlet v2.3
- Develop, debug and test JavaServer Pages
using JSP v1.2
- Depict the relationship between servlets and
- Illustrate the role of Struts and develop
Struts oriented applications
- Integrate JavaBeans with the servlet/JSP
development model
- Understand the role of Web services and its
- Understand role of JDBC to establish connectivity
to relational structures
- Deploy applications to the embedded WebSphere
Application Server
Course Duration
5 Days
Course outline
- N-tier architecture
- Model-View-Controller
- WebSphere products
- Browser role
- HTTP Server
- Application Server
- Standalone vs Network Deployment administration
- WSAD Suite
- J2EE platform
- J2EE services: JNDI, JDBC, Security,
RMI, JMS, etc
- J2EE packaging
- Application lifecycle
- Understanding Eclipse
- Multiple document interface
- WebSphere Studio family
- Plug-in architecture
- Java development features
- Web development
- XML capabilities
- Server configuration
- Deployment Descriptors
- Projects and Perspectives
- WSAD folder structure
- Java and XML editor
- Search capabilities
- Web Services toolset
- Import/Export projects
- Utilizing Perspectives
- Navigation panel
WSAD Debugger
- Debugger role
- Debug perspective
- Debugger preference settings
- Initiating debugger
- Suspended threads
- Execution controls
- Inspecting expressions
- Breakpoints
- Exception handling
- WSAD Scrapbook
Servlet Development
- Servlet Evolution
- Characteristics
- Statement blocks
- Stateless vs Stateful
- Servlet message structure:
HTTP header & FORM data
- Web Container: Instance Pool,
JVM and JRE roles
- Lifecycle
- HTML FORM interaction:
ACTION and METHOD parameters
- POST vs GET processing
- Reading POST data
- Java Servlet API
- init and destroy methods
- Parameters vs Attributes
- Development in WSAD
- Servlet Operational model
- Deployment and testing
Exception Handling
- Defining Exceptions
- Error vs Exception classes
- Runtime exception errors
- throws statement
- try/catch blocks
- finally block
- Execution patterns
- throw statement
- Creating Exception classes
J2EE Applications
- Web Application structure
- Context paths
- WEB-INF files
- Servlet Context
- web.xml entries
- Servlet mapping
- Taglib alias
- Security constraints
Session Data
- Session support
- WebSphere Session management
- Retrieve HttpSession
- Invalidation
- Accessing existing sessions
- RequestDispatcher
- Servlet Contexts
- Session configuration
- Persistent Session types
- WebSphere internal messaging: Peer-to-Peer vs Client/Server
- Session affinity
- Cookies
Web Services
- Service-oriented architecture
- Web service model
- B2C vs B2B
- Role of XML
- SOAP and SOAP messages
- Web Services Descriptive Language (WSDL)
- Public and private UDDI registries
- Web Services Gateway
- JCA integration
- Defining EJB as a Web Service
- WSAD wizards for WSDL generation
- Role of web service proxy
JavaServer Pages
- JSP Components
- JSP & Servlet integration
- Servlet/JSP model
- JSP request cycle
- Operational model
- JSP translations
- Forwarding
- JSP methods: jspInit,
jspService and jspDestroy
- JSP Tags and scripting elements
- Implicit objects
- Directives
- Declarations
- Expressions
- Scriptlets
- JSP Action tags
- JavaBean integration
- useBean Scope attribute
- Development using WSAD
- Bean types: Visual,
Non-visual and Repository
- JavaBean rules
- Implementation strategies
- Components: properties, methods and events
- Evolution of JavaBeans
- Integration with Web Services
- Servlet/JSP model usage
- Use with HttpSessions
- JavaBeans and JSPs
JavaServer Pages
- JSP Components
- JSP & Servlet integration
- Servlet/JSP model
- JSP request cycle
- Operational model
- JSP translations
- Forwarding
- JSP methods: jspInit,
jspService and jspDestroy
- JSP Tags and scripting elements
- Implicit objects
- Directives
- Declarations
- Expressions
- Scriptlets
- JSP Action tags
- JavaBean integration
- useBean Scope attribute
- Development using WSAD
JSP Tag Libraries
- Custom Tag libraries
- Tag Handler classes
- Tag Library Descriptor file
- taglib page directive
- Defining TLD entries
- Deploying Tag libraries
- Using web.xml aliases
- JSP Standard Tag Libraries
- JSTL Expression language
JDBC Concepts
- Role of JDBC drivers
- Defining JDBC resource
provider to WebSphere application server
- JDBC v1.0 vs JDBC v2.0
- Connection pooling
- Managing ResultSets
- Data type conversions
Struts Applications
- MVC design pattern
- Servlet/JSP and JSP models
- Struts architecture
- ActionServlet
- Action
- ActionForm
- ActionForwards
- ActionError
- WSAD implementation
- struts-config.xml
- Web Diagram tool
- WebSphere Security model
- Authorization and Authentication
- CSIv2
- LDAP vs Local OS