Linux Training Overview
Students seeking training to prepare themselves for the RHCSA certification should attend this course. This course is taught in a rapid pace format designed to help quickly identify and fill gaps in system administration knowledge. Focus includes managing users and groups, software, printers, and local storage. It also includes an introduction to security, virtualization, and the deployment of common network services.
Current Version: A01
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Linux Training Prerequisites
Students should already have experience administering Linux systems and must be comfortable navigating the filesystem, editing files, and running common commands from the shell.
Linux Training Course duration
5 days
Linux Training Supported Distributions:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
Linux Training Course outline
- Network Configuration and Troubleshooting
- IPv4 Fundamentals
- TCP/UDP Fundamentals
- Linux Network Interfaces
- Ethernet Hardware Tools
- Network Configuration with ip Command
- Configuring Routing Tables
- IP to MAC Address Mapping with ARP
- Starting and Stopping Interfaces
- NetworkManager
- DNS Clients
- DHCP Clients
- system-config-network-{tui,cmd}
- Network Diagnostics
Lab Tasks
- Network Discovery
- Basic Client Networking
- Introduction to Troubleshooting Labs
- Troubleshooting Practice: Networking
- Managing User Accounts
- User and Group Concepts
- User Administration
- Modifying Accounts
- Group Administration
- Password Aging
- Manual DS Client Configuration
- system-config-authentication
- System Security Services Daemon (SSSD)
- File Sharing via NFS
- NFSv4
- NFS Clients
- Implementing NFSv4
- Accessing Windows/Samba Shares from Linux
- AutoFS
- AutoFS Configuration
Lab Tasks
- User and Group Administration
- Using LDAP for Centralized User Accounts
- Command Line Process Management
- What is a Process?
- Viewing Processes
- Managing Processes
- Tuning Process Scheduling
- System Status - CPU
- System Status - I/O
- System Status - Memory
- Manage System Resources
- Automating Tasks
- at/batch
- cron
- The crontab Command
- crontab Format
- /etc/cron.*/ Directories
- Anacron
- System Logging
- Rsyslog
- /etc/rsyslog.conf
- Log Management
- Log Anomaly Detector
Lab Tasks
- Creating and Managing User Cron Jobs
- Adding System cron Jobs
- Setting up a Full Debug Logfile
- Remote Syslog Configuration
- Installing and Managing Software
- RPM Features
- RPM Package Files
- Working With RPMs
- Managing Software Dependencies
- Using the YUM command
- YUM package groups
- Updating the Kernel RPM
- Configuring YUM
- Yum Plugins
Lab Tasks
- Managing Software with RPM
- Using YUM
- Administer Remote Systems
- Secure Shell
- Accessing Remote Shells
- Transferring Files
- Alternative sftp Clients
- X Access Control
- Remote X Access (historical/insecure)
- Remote X Access (modern/secure)
- Remote Graphical Access With VNC and RDP
Lab Tasks
- Introduction to ssh and scp
- Remote X with XDMCP
- Configure a VNC Server
- Deploy and Secure File-Sharing Services
- Managing Daemons
- Controlling Service Startup
- Netfilter Concepts
- RHEL6 Firewall
- Netfilter Rule Syntax
- Targets
- Using the iptables Command
- Common match_specs
- Connection Tracking
- The FTP Protocol
- Active Mode FTP
- Passive Mode FTP
- vsftpd
- Configuring vsftpd
- Anonymous FTP with vsftpd
- HTTP Operation
- Apache Configuration Files
- httpd.conf - Server Settings
- httpd.conf - Main Configuration
- httpd.conf - VirtualHost Configuration
- Managing Network-Wide Time
- Continual Time Sync with NTP
- Configuring NTP Clients
- Useful NTP Commands
Lab Tasks
- Managing Services With chkconfig
- Firewall Configuration
- Securing Services with Netfilter
- Configuring vsftpd
- Apache Architecture
- Apache Content
- NTP Client Configuration
- Managing SELinux
- SELinux Security Framework
- SELinux Modes
- SELinux Commands
- Choosing an SELinux Policy
- SELinux Booleans
- Permissive Domains
- SELinux Policy Tools
- SELinux Troubleshooting
- SELinux Troubleshooting Continued
Lab Tasks
- Exploring SELinux Modes
- SELinux File Contexts
- Managing Simple Partitions and Filesystems
- Partition Considerations
- Partitioning Disks with fdisk
- Partitioning Disks with parted
- Filesystem Creation
- Filesystem Maintenance
- Mounting Filesystems
- Linux Unified Key Setup (LUKS)
- Swap
Lab Tasks
- Creating and Managing Filesystems
- Hot Adding Swap
- LUKS-on-disk format Encrypted Filesystem
- Using Filesystem Access Control Lists
- File and Directory Permissions
- Changing File Permissions
- Troubleshooting Incorrect File Permissions
- File Access Control Lists
- Manipulating FACLs
- Viewing FACLs
- Backing Up FACLs
Lab Tasks
- Using Filesystem ACLs
- Manage Logical Volumes
- Logical Volume Management
- Implementing LVM
- Creating Logical Volumes
- Manipulating VGs & LVs
- Advanced LVM Concepts
- system-config-lvm
Lab Tasks
- Creating and Managing LVM Volumes
- Control the Boot Process
- Booting Linux on PCs
- GRUB Configuration
- Troubleshooting With GRUB
- /sbin/init
- System Init Styles
- Linux Runlevels
- /etc/inittab
- Shutdown and Reboot
Lab Tasks
- Boot Process
- GRUB Command Line
- Basic GRUB Security
- Introduction to Troubleshooting Labs
- Troubleshooting Practice: Boot Process
- Tuning and Maintaining the Kernel
- Kernel Modules
- Configuring Kernel Components and Modules
- Handling Module Dependencies
- Configuring the Kernel via /proc/
Lab Tasks
- Adjusting Kernel Options
- Manage Virtual Machines
- Introducing libvirt
- libvirt: Basic Concepts
- libvirt: Storage Architecture
- libvirt: Network Architecture
- libvirt: Graphical Tools
- libvirt: Command Line Tools
- virsh: Basics
- virsh: Common Tasks
- virt-install
- libguestfs and guestfish
- Automated Installations of Red Hat Enterprise Linux
- Kickstart
- Anaconda: An Overview
- Anaconda: Booting the System
- Anaconda: Common Boot Options
- Anaconda: Loading Anaconda and Packages
- Anaconda: Storage Options
- Anaconda: Troubleshooting
Lab Tasks
- Automating Installation with Kickstart
- Get Help in a Graphical Environment
- Help from Commands and Documentation
- Getting Help with man & info
Lab Tasks
- Help with Commands
- Understand and Use Essential Tools
- Use of Appendix
- Logging In
- Switching User Contexts
- Physical Unix File Structure
- Directory Manipulation
- Deleting and Creating Files
- File Manipulation
- Filesystem Links
- Communication Channels
- File Redirection
- Archives with tar
- The gzip Compression Utility
- The bzip2 Compression Utility
- Learning vi
- Basic vi
- Intermediate vi
- Regular Expression Overview
- Regular Expressions
- RE Character Classes
- RE Quantifiers
- RE Parenthesis
- Searching Inside Files