Business Intelligence Training Overview
Developer is a must if you are building QlikView applications. Knowledge of the data model, creation ofthe proper data connections and scripting fundamentals are critical to creating QlikView applications that provide your organization with powerful business discovery tools. QlikView Developer provides you with an opportunity to learn by doing through a series of lectures and hands on exercises focused on developing QlikView applications. Developer course will prepare you to take your QlikView applications to the next level. The course concludes with a new business case where you can practice your skills in building a QlikView application from the beginning using identified key performance indicators.
Business Intelligence Training Prerequisites
QlikView Designer Course - Required
Basic Knowledge of DWH Concepts
Basics of any scripting language syntax
Business Intelligence Training Course duration
4 Days
Business Intelligence Training Course outline
1: Working with Data Sources
- Using ODBC and OLE DB drivers
- Accessing custom data sources
- Extracting data-two hands-on examples
- Extracting data from Excel, CSV
- The resulting data model
- Loading a table file
- QVD and QVX files
- Loading an Inline table
- Hands on sessions
2: Data Modeling
- Dimensional data modeling
- Relational databases and ER modeling
- Dimensional Modeling Schemas
- Dimensional models in QlikView
- How associations are created
- Avoiding data model conflicts
- The Table Viewer window
- Hands on sessions
3: Qlikview Scripting Features
- The Script Editor
- Menu and toolbar
- Script pane
- Tool pane
- Script statements
- Synthetic keys
- Synthetic Key tables
- Composite keys
- Manipulating tables
- The Lookup Function
- Concatenate Function
- Joins
- Conditional functions
- Debugging script
- organizing script
- Re-using scripts
- Hands on sessions
4: Data Transformation Basics
- Changing the source table structure
- Cleansing a dirty table
- File contents
- Working with the Transformation Step wizard
- The final result
- Expanding a hierarchy
- Working with the Hierarchy Wizard
- The tree-view list-box
- Generic load
- Loading a generic table into QlikView
- Comparative analysis
- A comparative analysis example
5: Advanced Expressions
- Using variables
- Creating a variable
- Using variables in charts
- Interactively changing a variable's value
- Using variables based on expressions
- Using variables to store expressions
- Variable naming convention
- The Dollar Sign Expansion syntax
- The Aggr function
- Using Aggr for nested aggregation
- Conditional functions
- The If function
- String Functions
- Subfield
- Len
- Index
- MinString
- MaxString
- Subfieldcount
- Hands on sessions
6: Set Creation with Point In Time Reporting
- Set Analysis Basics
- Dynamic record sets
- More assignment operators
- Set operators
- Using element functions
- Point In Time Reporting (Basics)
- The challenge
- Defining the set modifiers
- Hands on sessions
7: Advanced Data Transformations
- Data architecture
- Two-stage architecture
- Loading data already stored in QlikView
- Cloning a QlikView data model
- Loading from RAM
- IntervalMatch Fucntion
- Peek Fucntion
- Hands on sessions
- 7: Securing Workbooks
- Access Control
- Access Levels
- Access Control Database
- Inherited Access Restrictions
- Hidden script
- Adding Section access
- Section access fields
- Reduction fields
- Initial data reduction
- Omitting fields
- Document-level security
- Sheet-level security
8: Macros and Automation
- Using Automation Macros
- Internal Macro Interpreter
- Getting hold of a QlikView Document
- VB Script Functions
- Using macros in QV document
Case study - An end - end mini real time project