This course is provided by Wintrac. Wintrac provides one stop shopping for all your IT
training needs. Wintrac’s course catalog of over two thousand courses includes courses on SAP Training
SAP Training Overview
This course is designed specifically for project team members or anyone that is interested in obtaining an overview of SAP's Production module. The goal of this course is to provide participants with an understanding of the production functionality, including - functionality, terminology, overall flow, process, master data, documents, and integration. This course provides an overview of discrete, repetitive, and process manufacturing. The intent is to prepare the participants for additional levels of training and for blueprinting activities. Participants should walk away from this class with a solid understanding of the PP module of SAP and should feel comfortable discussing PP. This course does not teach participants how to do their jobs in SAP.
SAP Training Audience
Project Team Members or Anyone that Wants an Understanding of SAP's Production Module
SAP Training Prerequisites
SAP for the Non Technical User Introduction Course
SAP Training Objectives
Upon completing this course, participants should be able to:
- Navigate within the PP-Module
- Define the elements of the Production Organizational Structure
- Understand master data specific to the Production
- Material Master - MRP Views and Work Scheduling Views
- Bills of Material
- Work Centers
- Routings
- Explain the Overall Production Process
- Discuss and process various MRP scenarios with material that is produced in-house
SAP Training Course duration
4 Days
SAP Training Course outline
Upon completing this course, participants should be familiar with the following transactions:
- MM01
- MM02
- MM03
- CS01
- CS02
- CS03
- CR01
- CR02
- CR03
- CA01
- CA02
- CA03
- C223
- C201
- C202
- C203
- CRC1
- CRC2
- CRC3
- MD11
- MD12
- MD13
- MC87
- MC88
- MC89
- MC74
- MD02
- MD04
- CO40
- CO01
- CO02
- CO03
- CO15
- COR1
- COR7
Unit 1 - The Production Organizational Structure
Upon completing this unit, participants should be familiar with the Production Organizational Structure:
- Company Code
- Plant
- Storage Location
- Warehouse
Unit 2 - Production Master Data
Upon completing this unit, participants should be familiar with Master Data pertinent to Production including:
- Material Master - Works Scheduling, MRP, and Costing Views
- Bills of Material (Discrete Manufacturing
- Work Centers (Discrete Manufacturing)
- Routings (Discrete and Repetitive Manufacturing)
- Master Recipes (Process Manufacturing)
- Resources (Process Manufacturing
- Production Version (Discrete, Repetitive, and Process Manufacturing)
Transactions Covered in Unit 2
- MM01
- MM02
- MM03
- CS01
- CS02
- CS03
- CR01
- CR02
- CR03
- CA01
- CA02
- CA03
- C201
- C202
- C203
- CRC1
- CRC2
- CRC3
Unit 3 - The Overall Production Process
Upon completing this unit, participants should be familiar with the overall production process including:
- Forecasting in R/3
- Demand Planning in R/3
- Discrete and Repetitive Manufacturing
- Planned Orders
- Production Orders
Transactions Covered in Unit 3
Unit 4 - Forecasting
Upon completing this unit, participants should be familiar with the forecasting process in SAP:
- MRP settings in the material master and how they Affect Demand in the System
- Creating Forecasts
- Transferring Forecasts to Demand Management
- Creating Planned Independent Requirements
Transactions Covered in Unit 4
- MD04
- MC87
- MC88
- MC89
- MC74
- MD61
- MD62
- MD63
Unit 5 - Discrete and Repetitive Manufacturing
Upon completing this unit, participants should be familiar with production, confirmations, receiving inventory and costing basics:
- Creating Planned Orders
- Creating Production Orders
- Staging Components
- Confirming Production Orders
- Costing (basic discussion)
- Good Receipt
Transactions Covered in Unit 5
- MD11
- CO40
- CO01
- MF60
- CO27
- CO15
- CO11N
Unit 6 - Process Manufacturing
Upon completing this unit, participants should be familiar with process manufacturing in SAP.
- Creating Planned Orders
- Creating Process Orders
- Staging Components
- Confirming Process Orders
- Costing (basic discussion)
Transactions Covered in Unit 6
- MD11
- COR1
- COR2
- COR3
- COR5
- COR7
- COR8
- CO01
- MF60
- CO27
- CO11N
Unit 7 - Production Controls
Upon completing this unit, participants should be familiar with settings that control the production process.
- Document Types
- Control Keys
- Production Order Statuses
Transactions Covered in Unit 7
Unit 8 - Batch Management
Upon completing this unit, participants should be familiar with batch (lot) management in SAP.
- Setting in the Material Master
- Receiving/Staging Items that are Batch Managed
- Control Keys
Transactions Covered in Unit 8
- MM03
APPENDIX A - List of Common PP Transaction Codes