Persons in any jobs or roles in which problem solving and decision making are important.
Maximum number of participants: 12
Course duration
2 Days
Classroom Requirements
Room set up as horseshoe and large enough for team activities, or with break-out rooms for team activities. Overhead projector, flipcharts.
- Presentation
- Written Exercises
- Interactive Activities
After this course a student should be able to
- Recognize the drivers for effective problem solving and decision making
- Describe the problem-solving and decision-making life cycles
- Identify different types of problems and solutions and recognize the differences between symptoms and causes
- Describe how to gather, organize, and analyze information inputs
- Apply a variety of problem-solving and decision-making techniques
- Apply appropriate techniques to select a solution and make a decision
Course outline
- Introduction
- Drivers for Effective Problem Solving and Decision Making
Motivating factors
- Business drivers
- Complex technologies
- Ways of working in IT
- The Problem-Solving and Decision-Making Process
- Types of Problems and Solutions
- Problem identification
- Causes of problems
- Causes versus symptoms
- Identifying the causes
- Managing Information Inputs
- Gathering information
- Organizing and analyzing information
- Creative Techniques for Problem Solving and Decision Making
- Creative techniques
- Techniques for creative problem solving
- Brainstorming
- Sorting ideas
- Selecting Solutions and Making Decisions
- Selection techniques
- Presenting a solution or decision
- Obtaining commitment and agreement
- Conclusion