This course utilizes a combination of instructor-led discussions and interactive workshops to demonstrate the capabilities of IBM’s Portal solution. The IBM Portal Server provides a single point of interaction through the implementation of portlets and provides dynamic information, applications, processes to build Business-to-Employee (B2E), Business-to-Business (B2B) and Business-to-Consumer (B2C) portals. This seminar will illustrate the skills and knowledge you need to code robust portlet applications using RAD v6.0 and WebSphere Portal's Portlet Toolkit
Each student should be familiar with the Web concepts, HTML, XML, e-business application concepts. Also, understanding of server-side Java applications and WebSphere Studio Application Developer experience would be advantageous.
Class Format
Lecture and Lab
Experienced Java and Web developers that will be developing portal applications on the IBM Portal Server using RAD v6.0
Learning Objectives
After completing this course, the student should be able to:
- Understand the abilities of IBM’s Portal
- Introduction to the WebSphere Portal Solution
- Overview of portal administration aspects
(installing portlets, managing pages and page
- Use of RAD v6.0 for Customizing portlets
and pages components (skins, themes, and tabs)
- Develop and test application portlets using
the portlet Application Programming Interfaces
- Use the portlet tag library to build JavaServer
Pages (JSPs) for servicing multiple devices
and global reach
- Use of the Vault Service interface of the
WebSphere Portal services
- Illustrate packaging and deployment of portlets
- Implementing Portal Security in your applications
- Develop Struts-based portlets
- Demonstrate the usage of User Management
Services, Content and Collaboration Services
Course Duration
4 Days
Course outline
and Installation
- Overview of WebSphere Portals
- Hardware and software requirements
- Planning
- Testing installation
Getting to Know
- Develop virtual portal
- Illustrate Portal Server
- Basic Portal concepts
WebSphere Portal
- Managing places and pages
- Customizing page layout
- Adding portlets to pages
- Creating new themes
- Creating portal skins
Working with Portlets
- Installing portlets
- Managing portlet applications
- Managing individual portlets
- Web clipping
Using XML Portal
Administration Interface
- Overview of using xmlaccess
- Export portal configurations
- Managing portals with xmlaccess
Overview of Portlet
- Overview of Portlet API
- Portlet lifecycle
- Overview and installation of Portlet
- Toolkit
- Creating a simple portlet with
- Portlet Plugin
- Exporting and deploying portlets
to portal server
Portlet Testing
and Debugging
- Overview of test environment
- Installing and configuring test
- environment components
- Testing and debugging with the
- test environment
Portlets and Web
- web.xml and portlet.xml
- Understanding concrete portal
- applications and concrete portlets
- Guidelines for portlet development
Action Event Handling
- Overview of the event model
- Listeners
- Multipart form event handling
- Multi-mode event handling
Portlet Messaging
- Overview of portlet messaging
- Core messaging objects
- Sending and receiving messages
Portal Services
- Overview of portal services
- Configuring portal services
- Using ContentAccessService
- Creating custom portal service
Using Portlet Tag
- Overview of Portlet tag libraries
- Using portlet tags