This courseware training guide book will teach students relational database design and data modeling concepts. This is a common starting point for the entire database curriculum. In addition to receiving the print copy of this course book, all students will receive the two e-Learning modules described at the right.
The target audience for this course is all database professionals concerned about the design and implementation of databases. Among the specific groups for whom this course will be helpful are:
- Business analysts
- Data modelers, data analysts and data architects
- Senior application designers and developers
- Database administrators
The objective of this course is to consider the logical design of relational databases using a methodology known as semantic data modeling and related practical techniques. This same course is also known by the name ORACLE10g DESIGNER DATA MODELING. Major subject areas to be explored are:
- Building a logical data model of increasing complexity and accuracy
- Transforming a logical model into a physical model for a relational database
- Using object oriented and semantic modeling techniques to refine a model
- Identifying classic structures and patterns which may be reused among many different models.
- Learn about star schemas, snowflake schemas and data warehouse models
- Introduce the use of a data model diagramming tool and CASE tools
- Consider the physical objects of a relational database and how they implement a logical model.