Sophisticated graphical reports are possible with Oracle9i ODS Reports. This product is one of the most complex yet powerful graphical reporting tools available. With sufficient training, even some of the most complex reporting requirements can be satisfied using this tool. This course is presented in an intensive workshop format where participants absorb the complex topics of object hierarchies, frame hierarchies, field-level control of report output and many other subjects.
The target audience for this course is application developers and designers, as well as their management, who will be developing Internet applications using the Oracle Reports product.
Oracle Reports is one of the most functionally rich, and therefore complex, products available from Oracle Corporation. There is virtually no limit to the combination of options and features that can be used to produce reports. Within this course we seek to introduce you to this tool and explore some of the most commonly used techniques for publication of information. The major objectives of this course are:
- Consideration of the structure of Oracle Reports, the Oracle Development Suite (ODS) and the overall Oracle enterprise architecture.
- Distribution of reports in all supported formats including HTML, HTML with embedded Java Server Pages, PDF and hardcopy.
- Quickly building prototypes with the various wizards of the Oracle Reports Builder tool.
- Customizing prototypes using the Report Editor.
- Individual field formatting for both web and paper layout.
- Advanced customization of the data model.
- Advanced customization of the layout objects.
- Utilizing specialty techniques such as parameters, reusable PL/SQL programs and template files.
The course Introduction To Java Language Programming