This course is provided by Wintrac.
Wintrac provides one stop shopping for all your IT
training needs. Wintrac’s course catalog of over two thousand courses includes courses on
Object oriented analysis and design training
This course includes a short review of basic Java concepts, and then moves on to a comprehensive
coverage of more advanced topics in Java and OO programming to provide participants with a strong
grounding in using Java in a sophisticated and productive manner. This course covers important topics
such as composition, inheritance, polymorphism, interfaces and exceptions, which are all key to creating
well-structured OO systems using Java. Then the course moves on to more advanced topics such as
JDBC (for database access), the Java Collections Framework - including the generics capabilities
introduced in Java 5, Java I/O, assertions, inner classes, and the reflection API. Finally it covers useful
tools for day-to-day programming such as ant, JUnit and various logging frameworks. This course
covers far more than an introductory course, and provides participants with a comprehensive
understanding of how to use Java's advanced capabilities in a more sophisticated manner. It teaches a
number of useful techniques that enhance productivity and good system design - which Java
programmers may otherwise take years to absorb on their own.
Environments using Java 5 or Java 6
Programmers with some previous experience in working with Java and Object-Oriented
(OO) programming.
Course duration
5 Days
Course outline
1. Getting Started
- A Simple Applications Class
- Compiling HelloWorld
- Java Source and Java Bytecode
- Life Cycle of a Java Program
- Java Programs Insulated From
- Environment
- Java is Dynamic – The Runtime Process
2. Class and Object
- Defining Classes
- The Class in Java
- Storing Data in Objects
- Behavior and Methods
- Pretty Pictures
- About Java Primitive Data Types
- Strings
- Working with Methods and Data
- Local Variables
- Overlooking Methods
- Encapsulation and Access Control
- Constructors
- Other Capabilities
3. Review – Flow of Control,String and Array
- Flow of Control
- The Comparison Operators
- The Logical Operators
- Statements
- Strings – Using and Classes
- Arrays – Types
4. Review – Packages
- Packages – Importing
- Resolving Naming Conflicts
- Creating a Package
- Finding Classes
- Organizing Files and Packages
5. Composition and Inheritance
- Composition
- Benefits/Problems of
- Composition
- Relationships
- Inheritance and Polymorphism
- Class Object
- Methods
- Abstract Classes
6. Interfaces
- Interface Types
- Definitions
- Implementing Extended Interfaces
- Interfaces are Abstract
- Multiple Interfaces
7. Exceptions
- Exception Hierarchy
- Handling Exceptions
- Program Flow with Exceptions
- JDBC Basics
- JDBC Architecture and API
- Database Connections
- Issuing Statements and Processing Data
- Extracting Data from a ResultSet
- SQL -> Java Type Mappings
9. Collections and Generics
- Collections Framework
- Collection Interfaces
- Generics and Autoboxing
- Other Collection Types
- Creating and Using HashMap
- Iterator
- Inheritance with Generic Types
- Wildcard Parameter Types
10. Additional Language Features
- Assertions
- Type-Safe Enums (5.0)
- Advanced enum Features
- Annotations (5.0)
- The Issue
- Annotations – The Solution
11. I/O Streams
- Readers and Writers
- Filter Streams
- InputStreams and OutputStreams
- Converting between Streams and
- Readers/Writers
- New I/O (NIO) APIs
12. Nested / Inner Classes
- Why Use Inner Classes?
- Named Inner Classes
- Static Inner Classes
- Anonymous Inner Classes
13. Reflection
- The Class called Class
- Finding Fields, Methods and
- Constructors
- Accessing Fields, Invoking
- Methods
- Examining Arrays
14. Introduction to ant
- What is an ant?
- Installing and Running ant
- ant Basics
- Creating Build Files
15. Working with Paths and Resource Collections
- Paths
- Resource Collections
- PatternsSets
16. ant Tasks
- <javac> and <java> Tasks in Depth
- Creating Java Archives
- File Related Tasks
- Other Useful Tasks
17. ant Modularity
- Properties Files
- Modularizing Build Files
- Buildfile Imporing Another
- Build
18. JUnit Basics
- JUnit Overview
- Writing JUnit Tests
- Running the Tests
- The Result and Failure Classes
19. Organizing Tests with JUnit
- Fixtures and Suites
- <junit> ant task
20. Introduction to Logging & log4j
- Loggers, Levels, Appenders
- Configuring Logger Levels
- Working with Appenders
- Pattern Layouts
- Other Logging Frameworks