This course is provided by Wintrac. Wintrac provides one stop shopping for all your IT training needs. Wintrac’s course catalog of over two thousand courses includes courses on C++ training
C++ programming Training Overview
This three-day course is designed to provide a sound introduction to the .NET Framework for programmers who already know the C++/CLI language and the fundamentals of Windows Forms. It is current to .NET 2.0 and Visual Studio 2005. The course focuses on core portions of the .NET Framework that are common across many application areas. The course is practical, with many examples. The goal is to equip you to begin building significant applications using the .NET Framework.
C++ programming Training Audience
Experienced application developers or architects.
C++ programming Training Prerequisites
The student should be an experienced application developer or architect with a working knowledge of C++/CLI, including building simple GUIs with Windows Forms.
C++ programming Training Course duration
3 Days
C++ programming Training Course outline
.NET Fundamentals
What is Microsoft .NET?
Open Standards and Interoperability
Windows Development Problems
Common Language Runtime
Attribute-Based Programming
NET Framework Class Library
Interface-Based Programming
Everything is an Object
Common Type System
Language Interoperability
Managed Code
Assembly Deployment
ASP.NET and Web Services
The Role of XML
Class Libraries
Objects and Components
Limitation of COM Components
Components in .NET
Class Libraries at the Command Line
Monolithic versus Component
Class Libraries Using Visual Studio
References in Visual Studio
Startup Project and Dependencies
Efficient Debugging of References
References at Compile Time and Run Time
Specifying Version Numbers
Assemblies and Deployment
Simple Bank
Assembly Manifest
Assembly Dependency Metadata
Assembly Metadata
Versioning an Assembly
AssemblyVersion Attribute
Strong Names
Digital Signatures
Verification with Digital Signatures
Hash Codes
Digitally Signing an Assembly
Digital Signing Flowchart
Signing the BankLib Assembly
Signed Assembly Metadata
Private Assembly Deployment
Assembly Cache
Deploying a Shared Assembly
Signing Using Visual Studio
.NET Framework Configuration Tool
Versioning Shared Components
How the CLR Locates Assemblies
Resolving an Assembly Reference
Version Policy in a Configuration File
Configuration Tool and Config
Finding the Assembly
Metadata and Reflection
Compiler Options and Reflection
Dynamic Invocation
Late Binding
I/O and Serialization
Input and Output in .NET
Files and Streams
“Read” Command
Code for “Write” Command
.NET Programming Model
Garbage Collection
Finalize Method
Deterministic Cleanup
Garbage Collection Performance
.NET Threading Model
Race Conditions
Thread Synchronization Programming
Synchronization of Collections
Application Isolation
Application Domain
Application Domains and Assemblies
App Domain Events
.NET Security
The Internet and .NET Security
Code Access Security
Role-Based Security
.NET Security Concepts
Configuring Security in .NET
Policy Levels
Code Groups
Standard Code Groups
Other Assemblies
Programming Code Access Security
Evidence-Based Security
Host and Assembly Evidence
Enumerating Evidence
Imperative CAS Using Evidence
EvidenceCASClient Program
DoSomethingForClient Method
Verifiable Assemblies
Running over the Intranet
Configuring LocalIntranet_Zone
IPermission Interface
IPermission Demand Method
IPermission Inheritance Hierarchy
Stack Walking
PermitOnly and Revert
Other CAS Methods
ZoneIdentityPermission Class
Declarative CAS
Interoperating with COM and Win32
Interoperating Between Managed and Unmanaged Code
Managed and Unmanaged Code
COM Interop and PInvoke
Calling COM Components from Managed Code
The TlbImp.exe Utility
TlbImp Syntax
Using TlbImp
Register the COM Server
OLE/COM Object Viewer
Run the COM Client
Implement the .NET Client Program
Import a Type Library Using Visual Studio
Platform Invocation Services (Pinvoke)
Marshalling Output Parameters
Translating Types
Database Programming Using ADO.NET
ADO.NET Architecture
.NET Data Providers
Programming with ADO.NET Interfaces
.NET Namespaces
Connected Data Access
Connecting to an OLE DB Data Provider
Using Commands
Creating a Command Object
Using a DataReader
Disconnected Datasets
Data Adapters
Command Builder
Main Program
Creating a Data Adapter and Generating Commands
Filling the Dataset
Displaying the Data Set
Adding a Row to the Data Set
Deleting a Row
Changing a Row
Updating the Database
Data Bound Controls
DataGridView Control
Performing a Query
Creating a DataSet Manually
Manual DataSet Code
Using XML Data
XML Schema and Data
Using XML with a DataSet
Please contact your training representative for more details on having this course delivered onsite or online