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.NET training
.NET Training Overview
Microsoft .NET is an advance in programming technology that greatly simplifies application development both for traditional, proprietary applications and for the emerging paradigm of Web-based services. .NET is a complete restructuring of Microsoft’s whole system infrastructure and represents a major learning challenge for programmers developing applications on Microsoft platforms. The new platform includes Managed Extensions to C++, which enables the popular Visual C++ language to fully participate in the new .NET Framework.
This course covers important topics in the .NET Framework for experienced Visual C++ programmers.
The course is organized into five major parts, and is structured to make it easy for you to navigate to what you most need to know. The first part, consisting of Chapters 1 and 2, should be studied by everyone. It answers the question "What is Microsoft .NET?” and outlines the programming model of the .NET Framework.
The second part, consisting of Chapters 3—5, covers programming using C++ with Managed Extensions. A case study is introduced in Chapter 4 as part of a discussion of object-oriented programming using Managed C++, which is somewhat different than using classical C++. Chapter 5 covers important interactions between Managed C++ and the .NET Framework.
The third part, Chapters 6—9, covers important fundamental topics in the .NET Framework. Chapter 6 covers user interface programming issues using the Windows Forms classes. Chapter 7 discusses assemblies and deployment, which constitute a major advance in the simplicity and robustness of deploying Windows applications, ending the notorious "DLL hell” problem. Chapter 8 delves into important .NET Framework classes, including the topics of metadata, serialization, threading, attributes, asynchronous programming, remoting, and memory management. Chapter 9 covers ADO.NET, which provides a consistent set of classes for accessing both relational and XML Data.
The fourth part of the course provides an in-depth introduction to Web programming using ASP.NET and SOAP. Chapter 10 introduces the fundamentals of ASP.NET, including the use of Web Forms, which greatly simplifies the development of sophisticated Web sites. Chapter 11 covers SOAP and Web Services, which provide an easy-to-use and robust mechanism for heterogeneous systems to interoperate. Chapter 12 introduces ATL Server, which is a high performance option for creating Web applications and services using C++.
The final part of the course covers additional important topics in the .NET Framework. Chapter 13 covers the area of security in detail. Chapter 14 covers mixing managed and unmanaged code, which can support many interoperability scenarios of .NET with legacy COM and Win32 DLLs.
The book is practical, with many examples. The goal is to equip you to begin building significant applications using the .NET Framework. Numerous programming examples and exercises are provided. The student will receive a comprehensive set of materials, including course notes, all the programming examples, and the book .NET Architecture and Programming Using Visual C++.
.NET Training Learning Objectives
- Gain a thorough understanding of the philosophy and architecture of .NET.
- Acquire a working knowledge of Managed C++ programming and the interactions of Managed C++ with the .NET Framework.
- Learn how to use important .NET Framework classes to work with metadata, serialization, threading, attributes, asynchronous programming, remoting, and memory management.
- Learn how to implement user interface, database and Web applications using .NET
- Gain a thorough understanding of .NET security.
- Learn how to interoperate between .NET and legacy Win32 DLLs and COM components.
.NET Training Prerequisites
The student should be an experienced application developer or architect with a good knowledge of object-oriented programming in C++. The student should also have basic Internet literacy.
.NET Training Course duration
5 days The course contains more than 5 days worth of material, but its flexible organization makes it appropriate for many different groups of students, depending on their experience and goals.
.NET Training Course outline
Part 1. .NET Architecture Overview
1. What is Microsoft .NET?
What Is Microsoft .NET?
Windows Development Problems
Common Language Runtime
Open Standards and Interoperability
Communications Protocols
The Roles Of XML
XML, SOAP and Web Services
.NET Vs. Win32
The .NET Framework
Managed Code and Data
Multiple Language Development
Visual Studio .NET
2. .NET Fundamentals |
The Magic of Metadata
Serialize Example
Attribute Based Programming
.NET Framework Class Library
Interface Based Programming
Custom Serialization
Everything is an Object
Common Type System
Language Interoperability
Managed Code
Assembly Deployment
JIT Compilation
Web Services
The Role of XML
Part 2. Managed C++ Extensions
3. Managed C++ Programming |
C++ Managed Extensions
The Hello World Program
Compile at the Command Prompt
The #using Directive
Standard Input/Output
Formatting Strings
The System::String Class
Comparing Strings
ToString Method
The System::Array Class
Managed Array Initialization
How to Create a Managed C++ Class Library
Managed and Unmanaged Types
The __gc keyword
Value Types
Abstract Types
Boxing and Unboxing Primitive Data Types
Sealed Classes
Managed Type Casting
4. Object-Oriented Programming in Managed C++
Object Oriented Concepts
Acme Travel Agency Case Study
Case Study Design
Reservable Abstract Class
Reservation Abstract Class
Broker Abstract Class
ReservationResult Structure
Broker::Reserve Method
Lists of Reservations and Reservables
Designing with Encapsulation
Inheritance Hierarchy
Running the Case Study
HotelReservation Class
HotelBroker Class
Customers Class
Customer Class
TestHotel Class
5. Managed C++ and the .NET Framework |
System::Object Class
Predefined .NET Interfaces
.NET Collections
Using Queue
Using Stack
Using SortedList
Delegates and Events
Part 3. Fundamentals of the .NET Framework
6. User Interface Programming Using Windows Forms |
Visual C++ GUI Limitations
Windows Forms
Demo: Creating a Windows Forms Application
7. Assemblies and Deployment
Objects and Components
Limitation of COM Components
Components in .NET
Class Libraries Using Visual Studio
Creating a Class Library
Using a Class Library in Visual Studio
References at Compile Time and Run Time
Assembly Manifest
Assembly Metadata
Versioning an Assembly
AssemblyVersion Attribute
Strong Names
Digital Signatures
Verification with Digital Signatures
Hash Codes
Digitally Signing an Assembly
Digital Signing Flowchart
Private Assembly Deployment
Assembly Cache
Deploying a Shared Assembly
GAC Windows Shell
.NET Admin Tool
Using a Shared Assembly
Versioning Shared Components
Digitally Signing After Compile Time
How the CLR Locates Assemblies
Resolving an Assembly Reference
Multi-Module Assemblies
8. .NET Framework Classes
.NET Threading Model
Race Conditions
Thread Synchronization Programming
Synchronization of Collections
Synchronization Attribute
Input and Output in .NET
Files and Streams
Read Command
Write Command
Garbage Collection
9. Programming with ADO.NET Using ADO.NET
ADO.NET Architecture
.NET Data Providers
Programming with ADO.NET Interfaces
.NET Namespaces
Connected Data Access
Sample Database
Connecting to SQL Server
Connecting to an OLE DB Data Provider
Using Commands
Creating a Command Object
Using a Data Reader
Disconnected Datasets
Data Adapters
Command Builder
Creating a Data Adapter and Generating Commands
Filling the Dataset
Displaying the Data Set
Adding a Row to the Data Set
Deleting a Row
Changing a Row
Updating the Database
Creating A Dataset Manually
Using XML Data
XML Schema and Data
Using XML with a DataSet
Part 4. Web Applications and Services
10. ASP.NET and Web Forms |
Limitations With C++
What Is ASP.NET?
Web Application Fundamentals
Setting up the Web Examples
Creating a Virtual Directory
Setting up the Web Examples
Home Page for ASP.NET Examples
An Echo Program
ASP.NET Features
Compiled Code
Server Controls
Browser Independence
Separation of Code and Content
State Management
Web Forms Architecture
Page Class
Inheriting from Page Class
Web Forms Page Life Cycle
View State
Web Forms Event Model
Page Processing
Page Events
Page Properties
Page Directive
11. ASP.NET and Web Services |
Web Service Protocols
IIS and .NET Web Services
The Add Web Service Example
A Client for the Add Web Service
Part 5. Additional Topics
12. ATL Server Applications |
ATL Server Versus ASP.NET
ATL Server Architecture
Creating an ATL Server Project
ISAPI Extension DLL
Web Application DLL
Server Response Files
Building the Project
Running the Project
Adding Another Handler
Adding Programmatic Structures
Additional Programming Features
13. .NET Security
.NET Security and the Operating System
The Security Story
User-Based Security: Authentication
User-Based Security: Authorization
User-Based Security: Impersonation
Code Access Security
Security Policy
Demanding Permissions
Restricting Permissions
Code Access Security Identity
Internet Security
Internet Information Server
Passport Security
SOAP Security
.NET Role-Based Security
Principals and Identities
RoleBasedSecurity Example
.NET Windows Roles
User Groups and Roles
Creating Groups
Modifying a Group
Groups as Roles
Checking for Roles
Identity Classes
Code Access Permissions
Simple Permission Code Request
Demanding Permission
Passing Objects and Security
How a Permission Request Works
Strategy for Requesting Permissions
More About .NET Security
14. Mixing Managed and Unmanaged Code
Interoperating Between Managed and Unmanaged Code
COM Interop and PInvoke
Calling COM Components From Managed Code
The TlbImp.exe Utility
Wrapping a Legacy COM Server
Register the COM Server
OLE/COM Object Viewer
Run the COM Client
Import the Type Library (TlbImp.exe)
The .NET Client Program
Calling Managed Components From Legacy COM Client
COM Callable Wrapper
COM Binding
The Managed COM Component
Using Tlbexp.exe
Using RegAsm.exe
.NET COM Registry Entries
The Legacy COM Client
Platform Invocation Services
Marshalling Out Parameters
Translating Types