Lesson 1: Getting Started with Windows App Development
Topic A: Set Up and Configure Visual Studio
Topic B: Work with an App Project in Visual Studio
Lesson 2: Planning and Designing a Windows App
Topic A: Identify Windows 10 App Requirements
Topic B: Meet Windows User Expectations
Lesson 3: Creating a User Interface
Topic A: Create an App Project
Topic B: Lay Out a User Interface
Topic C: Use Styles and Themes to Format a User Interface Layout
Lesson 4: Programming the User Interface
Topic A: Connect C# Code with XAML Markup
Topic B: Update Data in User Interface Controls
Topic C: Use C# Conditional Statements to Process Data
Lesson 5: Creating a Complex User Interface Layout with Navigation
Topic A: Implement a Navigation Menu and Command Bars
Topic B: Load Pages in a Frame
Topic C: Manage Back Button Navigation
Lesson 6: Managing Visual States and Alternate Layouts
Topic A: Manage Visual States Through VisualStateManager
Topic B: Provide Alternate Layouts and Resources
Lesson 7: Working with File Data
Topic A: Store and Retrieve Data Files
Topic B: Serialize and Deserialize Data Files
Topic C: Pass Data to Another Page
Lesson 8: Working with Web Data
Topic A: Load Web Data
Topic B: Launch a URL in the Default Web Browser
Lesson 9: Working with WebView
Topic A: Load a WebView Component with Content
Topic B: Communicate with JavaScript in a WebView
Lesson 10: Programming Graphics and Animation
Topic A: Create Runtime Graphics
Topic B: Add Motion and Depth
Lesson 11: Integrating with the App Ecosystem
Topic A: Implement a Share Command
Topic B: Implement a Print Command
Topic C: Store and Retrieve Settings
Topic D: Cooperate with Other Apps and Services
Lesson 12: Implementing App Security
Topic A: Evaluate App Security
Topic B: Implement Windows Security Features
Lesson 13: Finalizing an App
Topic A: Internationalize and Localize
Topic B: Package and Deploy