Getting Started
- SharePoint as a Development Platform
- Creating a Site
- Lists and Pages
- SharePoint Architecture
- Virtual Paths and Safe Mode
- About Features
- Deploy Files with Module
- Define Fields
- Create Content Types
- Create List Instances
Developing SharePoint Solutions with Visual Studio 2010
- SharePoint 2010 Project and Item Templates
- Using the Feature Designer
- Using the Package Designer and Package Explorer
- Configuring Deployment and Activation
- Debugging
- Importing Web Solution Packages
Writing Managed Code with the SharePoint Object Model
- Core Classes in Microsoft SharePoint
- Display Webs and Lists with a Web Part
- Elevation of Privileges
- Managing Resources with Dispose
- Using SPDisposeCheck
- Basic Troubleshooting
Programming Lists with Managed Code
- List Object Model
- Manipulate Lists and List Items
- Create List Instances
- Define Views
- CAML Queries
- Joins
- LINQ to SharePoint
User Controls and Web Parts
- Control Basics
- Create User Controls
- Visual Web Parts
- Delegate Controls
- Create Web Parts
- Exposing Properties to the Web Part Editor
- Create Custom Editor Parts
SharePoint Client Object Model
- Introduction to the Client Object Model
- Loading Object Instances
- Using the Client Object Model in Managed Code
- Using the Client Object Model in Silverlight Clients
- Using the Client Object Model in JavaScript (ECMA Script) Clients
- Using the Dialog Framework
Programming with List Items and Custom List Forms
- Create, Read, Update and Delete List Items
- Dealing with Complex Field Types
- Creating Event Handlers
- Creating Custom List Forms with SharePoint Designer
- Incorporating Custom List Forms into Visual Studio Solutions
- Creating Fully Custom List Forms in Visual Studio
- Adding Custom Actions to the Ribbon and Edit Control Block
Basic Look and Feel
- Control Basic Look and Feel
- Using Features and .NET
- Creating and Using Themes
- Using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
- Using Themes with Custom Styles
Master Pages
- Creating SharePoint Master Pages in ASP.NET
- Understanding the v4.Master Page
- Default and Custom Master Page Tokens
- Build Custom Master Pages
- Deploy Custom Master Pages
Sandbox Solutions
- Sandbox Overview
- Sandbox Benefits
- Sandbox Limitations
- Visual Studio 2010 SharePoint Power Tools
- Creating Visual Web Parts
- Full Trust Proxies
Site Definitions and Web Templates
- Core Foundation Site Definitions
- Custom Site Definitions
- WebTemp and ONET.xml
- Web Template Features
- Creating Users and Groups with Code
- Defining and Using Permission Levels Programmatically
- Rights Masks and Security Trimming
- Writing Authorization Code
Navigation and the Ribbon
- Configure Navigation Programmatically
- SPMenu Control
- Using Custom Actions for Menues and Links
- Using Custom Actions for Ribbon Controls
- Working with the Ribbon
Business Connectivity Services
- Understanding Business Data Connectivity Services
- Creating External Content Types and Lists with SharePoint Designer 2010
- Adding Actions
- Consuming .NET Assemblies with WCF Services
- Creating BCS Applications for SharePoint Foundation with Visual Studio 2010
- Migrating Declarative Models to Visual Studio Solutions
Workflow Basics
- SharePoint Designer Site Workflows
- SharePoint Designer Reusable
- Deploying Declarative Workflows with Web Solution Packages
- Importing Reusable Workflows into Visual Studio
- Building Custom Workflow with Visual Studio