This course will integrate a combination of instructor-led discussions and interactive workshops to demonstrate the new aspects of Java EE 5 for building web applications. This seminar will focus on: new features in Java EE 5, the architecture of JSF application, Struts comparison, role of UI components, role of managed beans, use of validators and converters, dynamic and static navigation, role of EJB 3, role of EntityManager, use of JPA, using JMS and MDBs, Java EE encryption abilities, use of JAAS, role of LoginContext, use of JAX-WS and creation of Web services.
All aspects of this class will incorporate the specific architecture of the application server environment and IDE of your choice to illustrate the implementation of these techniques.
Each student should have a basic understanding of the Java programming language.
Class Format
Lecture and Lab
Java developers, web page designers and other professionals that will be designing, developing and implementing Java EE applications.
Learning Objectives
After completing this course, the student should be able to:
- Understand the differences with Java EE version
- Architect, develop, deploy and secure enterprise
applications with Java EE 5
- Utilize the JavaServer Faces (JSF) event-driven
architecture to build rich user interfaces
- Define role of managed beans and the creation
of validation and conversion processes
- Manage transactions and application security
using annotations and XML
- Effectively build business logic using Enterprise
JavaBeans (EJB) 3
- Depict the role of the Entity Manager and
Java persistence
- Illustrate the usage of Listeners and Callback
- Demonstrate the use of annotations for EJB
3 components
- Integrate the Java Message Service (JMS)
into applications with Message Driven Beans
- Achieve high-performance data persistence
with Java Persistence API (JPA)
- Define the role of Java Security in EE version
- Depict the encryption technology and encryption
strategies available for Java EE web applications
- Illustrate the implementation of JAAS and
the use of the LoginContext
- Demonstrate the use of JAX-WS for building
XML-based Web services
Course Duration
4 Days
Course outline
Introduction to Java EE 5
- Introduction to Java EE
- Java SE Building Blocks
- Servlets, JSPs, and Web Applications
- Web Services
- Enterprise JavaBeans
- Additional Java EE APIs
- Java EE Clients
- POJO, Dependency Injection, and Annotations
- The Java EE Platform
JavaServer Faces
- Role of Frameworks
- JSF Benefits
- JSF Tag Libraries
- Using Components
- Managed Beans
- Event handling
- Navigation
- Validators and Converters
- JSF Lifecycle
v3.0 Development
- The new Enterprise JavaBean
- Role of POJOs
- Defining the Bean Interface
- Defining the Bean Class
- Listeners and Callback Handlers
- EJB Client
- Assembly and Deployment
to the Persistence API
- What is Java Persistence?
- Persistence Objects and Metadata
- Creating an Entity Class
- Using EntityManager
- Looking up Entities
- The Persistence Unit
- Deployment
- EntityManager and Persistence Context
- Entity Lifecycle
- Creating and Removing Entities
- Transactions
- Mapping Entities to Tables
- Entity Relationships
- Primary Keys
- Lazy Loading and Cascading
using javax.crypto
- Cryptography Concepts
- Encryption Keys
- Cipher Algorithms
- Modes and Padding Schemes
- The Cipher Class
- Encrypting and Decrypting Data
- Cipher Output Stream
- Cipher Input Stream
- Encryption using Password Ciphers
- Exchanging Encrypted Keys
- Sealed Objects
Authentication and Authorization services
- Authentication and Authorization
- JAAS Overview
- LoginContext
- Subjects, Principals, and PrivilegedActions
- Authentication with the NTLoginModule
- Defining Permissions in Policy Files
- KeyStoreLoginModule
- Callbacks
- NameCallback and PasswordCallback
- The Policy Class
JAX-WS for Web Services
- Depict usage of JAX-WS
- Creating a Web Service Endpoint
- The Service Implementation
- The Service Interface
- apt and wsgen
- Generated Files
- Packaging and Deploying the Application
- JAX-WS Client