No matter how good we might be at meeting budgets and manipulating Gantt charts, successful project
management simply does not take place in a vacuum. So much depends on how well we interact with
other team members and stakeholders. This 2-day workshop employs self-assessments, developmental
plans, practical exercises and other proven techniques to instill the ‘soft’ but critical competencies of
project management. By mastering important people skills like managing stress, inspiring motivation,
creating alliances, reconciling different work styles and maintaining self-confidence amidst criticism and
setbacks, students will greatly increase their chances of managing any project to a successful outcome.
Those interested in improving their performance in project relationships.
Course duration:
2 days
Course outline:
1. Introduction
- Welcome
- Workshop Logistics
- How to Get the Most out of this
- Workshop Objectives/ Contents
2. Project Management and the Four
- Relationships
- Defining the New Project Management
- The General Management Side of
Project Management
- Linking Project Success to Project
Management Relationships
- The Four Big Relationships
3. How We are With Others
- People Orientation
- Interpersonal Orientation Assessment
- Understanding the FIRO-B® Assessment
- Taking Initiative to Build Project
- Developing Greater Awareness of How
Others Feel
- Expressing Interest and Concern for
- Pursuing Project Results Appropriately
- Maximizing Your Individual and Group
4. How We Are With Ourselves
- Introduction to Centeredness
- Leveraging Assets and Liabilities
- Enhancing Emotional SelfAwareness
- Tapping into Internal Motivation
- Dealing with Stress Effectively
- Thriving on Change
5. Development Planning
- Creating a Personalized
Development Plan
6. Summary and Conclusion
- Where We’ve Been
- Where to Go Next
7. Appendix A: Recommended
8. Appendix B: Glossary