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The Master Sales Negotiator Self Learning Program is a powerful and effective system that will teach you the skills necessary to close profitable deals while managing customers’ perceptions and building positive, long-term relationships. After working through this program, you will understand how to: control the negotiation process, utilize concession strategies and recognize concession patterns, overcome buyers’ tactics, and develop a complete, yet flexible, negotiation strategy that results in beneficial deals. The Master Sales Negotiator Program is a proven, easy-to-use, comprehensive system that has delivered results for thousands of salespeople across the globe.
Sales professionals interested in maximizing their negotiation skills and understanding.
Course duration:
This is a self-paced program.
Course outline:
1. Core Tools of an Effective Negotiator
- The Fundamental Exchange
- The Power of 1% Negotiating
- The Real Secret to Negotiating Success
- The Settlement Range
- Finding the Customer’s Least Acceptable Settlement
- The Buyer’s LAS in a Competitive World
- The Buyer’s Added Value Matrix
- Information to Find
- Different Approaches for Telephone Negotiations
- Negotiating with a Large Customer Team
- Building Relationships with Difficult Buyers
- Handling “Give Me Your Best Price”
2. The Negotiating Cycle and the Psychology of Negotiation
Negotiating Cycle
- The Maximum Supportable Position
- The Total Information Situation
- Managing Their Perceptions of Your LAS
- Patience
- Tracking Time in a Negotiation
- The Negotiation Deadlock Process
- Building Relationships
- Creating the Win/Win Outcome
- Problem Solving Negotiations
- Working with Customers Who Never Reach Their Volume Targets
- Handling an Ambush Negotiation
- The End Run
- When Buyers Become Fixated on One Particular Item
- Bidding as it Relates to the Negotiation Process
3. Concession Strategies
- Asymmetrical Trades
- Concession Strategies
- The Yes If … Strategy
- Justifying Concessions
- Concession Patterns
- Split the Difference
- The LAS Magnet
- Introduction to Tactics
- Authority Limits
- Strawman
- Performing Without Having Added Value
- Handling a Boss Who Wants to Get Involved in the Negotiations
- Negotiating a Price Increase
4. Negotiation Tactics
Good Guy – Bad Guy
- Policy and Resource Limits
- Where to Negotiate and How to Set the Stage
- Speed Up
- Leaked Information
- Playing from the Weak Position
- Final Offer
- Broken Record
- Playing Dumb
- Change the Negotiator
- Unpredictability
- The “What If” Tactic
- The Hovering Pen and the Nibble
- Signaling
- Linkage and Separation
- Agreement in Principle
- Focal Points
- Fair and Logical
- Acting
- Walking Out of Negotiations
- Handling Customers Who Threaten Legal Action
5. Strategizing and Planning the Sales Negotiation
- Face Saving
- Helping the Other Party Sell the Agreement to Their Organization
- Emotions
- Caucuses
- Silence
- Body Language
- Planning the Negotiation
- Non-Price Settlement Ranges
- Customer Added Value Matrix in Detail
- The Four Categories of Added Value
- The Brutally Honest Added Value Differentiation List
- Raising the Customer’s LAS
- The Planning Agenda
- Team Planning
- Flex Plan
- Deal Breakers
- Customers Who Cherry Pick Your Included Services