This course is provided by Wintrac. Wintrac
provides one stop shopping for all your IT training needs. Wintrac’s course
catalog of over two thousand courses includes courses on Software quality and
testing Training
Lab setup
windows 2000 or NT environment
Internet explorer 5.0 only ( must)
Any Client server application which the participants know its specifications and
Any Web application ( intranet will do) which the participants know its
specifications and design.
Administration privileges for installing the software.
Access to Network administrator .
Quality assurance engineers, Performance engineers, technical
managers and anyone who is required to perform load analysis.
Introduction to manual testing and creating testcases
Experience in programming C/C++/ GUI Client applications
Experience with Databases
Experience in Client/server application development
Experience in Web applications .
HTTP protocol
Overview knowledge of Network components
Overview knowledge of all kinds of technologies being used
Course duration
3 Days
Approximately 30 - 50% of the class is devoted to lab exercises
Course outline
Performance Analysis Introduction
Performance Analysis Issues
Planning of Analysis of the system
Web Testing Vs Traditional testing
Networking Basics
Web Application Components
Evaluating performance Goals
Web transaction scenario
Understanding work load
Evaluating work load
Test planning
Testing considerations
Introduction to automated testing tools
Gui Scripts
Functionality testing tools Vs Performance analysis tools
Introduction to loadrunner
Introduction to winrunner ( windows based Gui scripts creation tool)
Creating Gui scripts
Marking transactions and rendezvous points
Testing the script through replay
DB User scripts
The DB virtual user over view
Gui scripts Vs Db user scripts
The DB virtual user script creation process
The script structure
The virtual user generator
Programming with DB APIs
Synchronising multiple users with rendezvous
Sending messages
Receivng user information
Simulating think time and delays
Compiling and running a script
Defining transactions
Error messages
Output and stdout messages
General vuser functions
Virtual user generator
Introduction to Virtual user generator
Different technologies vugen supports
Configuring General settings
Configuring Recording settings
Configuring Run time settings
Different sections of a script
Inserting comments into a vuser script
Setting transactions and rendezevous points
Parameterising the scripts
Understanding the parameter limitations
Parameter properties
Correlating the Database queries
Correlation studio
General correlating functions
Loadrunner Controller
Under standing Client/server Load Testing
Needs of Client/server systems
Manual load testing issues
Automated load testing issues
Load runner Controller Concepts
Simulation groups
Virtual users
Defining requirements
Accessing Virtual User resource needs
Developing a scenario script
Managing scenario execution
Simulation groups
Defining your requirements for simulation groups
Virtual Users
Understanding the different types of virtual users
Performance measurement with Transactions
Synchronization with a Rendezvous
Configuring the Loadrunner controller
Configuring the runtime settings
Expert mode settings
Scheduling the Scenario
Creating a Scenario schedule
Setting the Timing properties
Defining External Events
Setting Dependencies and sequences
Understanding Scenario schedule tables
Online monitoring
About online monitoring
Starting the monitors
Configuring online monitors
Setting monitor options
Configuring online graphs
Understanding online monitor graphs
Configuring online measurements
Exporting online monitor graphs
Viewing data offline
Network Monitoring
About Network monitoring
Network monitor graphs
Determining Bottlenecks through Network monitoring
Configuring the Network monitor
Setting the Network monitor
Analyzing the Run
About Loadrunner Analysis
Strarting the Analysis
Collating Execution results
Analysis Graphs and reports
Viewing a part of the Scenario
Working with Analysis graphs
Working with Analysis reports
Scenario graphs
What- if analysis with cross Scenario graphs and reports.
Please contact your training representative for more details on having this course delivered onsite or online