Lab setup
- windows 2000 or NT environment
- Internet explorer 5.0 only ( must)
- Any Client server application which the participants know its specifications and
- Any Web application ( intranet will do) which the participants know its
specifications and design.
- Administration privileges for installing the software.
- Access to Network administrator .
Quality assurance engineers, Performance engineers, technical
managers and anyone who is required to perform load analysis.
- Introduction to manual testing and creating testcases
- Experience in programming C/C++/ GUI Client applications
- Experience with Databases
- Experience in Client/server application development
- Experience in Web applications .
- HTTP protocol
- Overview knowledge of Network components
- Overview knowledge of all kinds of technologies being used
Course duration
3 Days
Approximately 30 - 50% of the class is devoted to lab exercises
Course outline
- Performance Analysis Introduction
- Performance Analysis Issues
- Planning of Analysis of the system
- Web Testing Vs Traditional testing
- Networking Basics
- Web Application Components
- Evaluating performance Goals
- Web transaction scenario
- Understanding work load
- Evaluating work load
- Test planning
- Testing considerations
- Introduction to automated testing tools
Gui Scripts
- Functionality testing tools Vs Performance analysis tools
- Introduction to loadrunner
- Introduction to winrunner ( windows based Gui scripts creation tool)
- Creating Gui scripts
- Marking transactions and rendezvous points
- Testing the script through replay
DB User scripts
- The DB virtual user over view
- Gui scripts Vs Db user scripts
- The DB virtual user script creation process
- The script structure
- The virtual user generator
- Programming with DB APIs
- Synchronising multiple users with rendezvous
- Sending messages
- Receivng user information
- Simulating think time and delays
- Compiling and running a script
- Defining transactions
- Error messages
- Output and stdout messages
- General vuser functions
Virtual user generator
- Introduction to Virtual user generator
- Different technologies vugen supports
- Configuring General settings
- Configuring Recording settings
- Configuring Run time settings
- Different sections of a script
- Inserting comments into a vuser script
- Setting transactions and rendezevous points
- Parameterising the scripts
- Understanding the parameter limitations
- Parameter properties
- Correlating the Database queries
- Correlation studio
- General correlating functions
Loadrunner Controller
Under standing Client/server Load Testing
- Needs of Client/server systems
- Manual load testing issues
- Automated load testing issues
Load runner Controller Concepts
- Scenarios
- Simulation groups
- Virtual users
- Defining requirements
- Accessing Virtual User resource needs
- Developing a scenario script
- Managing scenario execution
Simulation groups
- Defining your requirements for simulation groups
Virtual Users
- Understanding the different types of virtual users
- Performance measurement with Transactions
- Synchronization with a Rendezvous
- Configuring the Loadrunner controller
- Configuring the runtime settings
- Expert mode settings
Scheduling the Scenario
- Creating a Scenario schedule
- Setting the Timing properties
- Defining External Events
- Setting Dependencies and sequences
- Understanding Scenario schedule tables
Online monitoring
- About online monitoring
- Starting the monitors
- Configuring online monitors
- Setting monitor options
- Configuring online graphs
- Understanding online monitor graphs
- Configuring online measurements
- Exporting online monitor graphs
- Viewing data offline
Network Monitoring
- About Network monitoring
- Network monitor graphs
- Determining Bottlenecks through Network monitoring
- Configuring the Network monitor
- Setting the Network monitor
Analyzing the Run
- About Loadrunner Analysis
- Strarting the Analysis
- Collating Execution results
- Analysis Graphs and reports
- Viewing a part of the Scenario
- Working with Analysis graphs
- Working with Analysis reports
- Scenario graphs
- What- if analysis with cross Scenario graphs and reports.