- Develop Servlets to process requests
- Use Servlet 3 annotations and web.xml for configuration
- Understand and create JavaServer Pages (JSPs)
- Understand and use basic custom tags from the JSTL
- Link Servlets and JSPs, and share data between them
- Understand and use good design techniques including MVC (Model-View-Controller) and the Model 2 architecture
many hands-on labs (minimum 50% of course)
Working knowledge of Java programming, including use of inheritance, interfaces, and exceptions
Supported Platforms
Standard: Java 11 and Eclipse IDE
Standard: Java 17 and Eclipse
Standard Web Container: Tomcat
Java Training Course Duration
1-1/2 Days
Java Training Course outline
Session 1: Web Application Basics
- JEE Overview
- HTML and HTTP - Quick Look
- A Simple Java Servlet
Session 2: Servlet Basics
- Overview: How Servlets Work
- Servlet Lifecycle: init(), service(), destroy()
- API: Servlet, @WebServlet, ServletConfig, ServletRequest, ServletResponse, GenericServlet,
- Requests and Responses - Using ServletRequest and ServletResponse
- HTTP Servlets: HttpServlet, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse
- Accessing Parameters
- More About web.xml
Session 3: JavaServer Pages
- Basics and Overview
- JSP Expressions
- Model View Controller (MVC)
- Overview
- Servlets as Controllers, Using RequestDispatcher
- JSP as the View
- Forwarding to a JSP
- Data Sharing among Servlets and JSP
- Object scopes or "buckets" - request, session, application, page
- Using JavaBeans to Hold Data
- JSP Expression Language (EL) and Data Access
- JSP EL Overview
- JavaBeans and the EL
- Predefined JSP EL implicit objects (pageContext, param, header, scope objects)
Session 4: Using Custom Tags
- Custom tags overview
- Custom Tag Libraries
- TLD - Tag Library Descriptor
- Overview
- Common tags, c:out, c:forEach, etc
Session 5: HTTP Session Tracking
- HTTP is Stateless
- HTTP Sessions
- Using Sessions