Lotus Training Overview
The advent of XPages brings Domino into the fold of leading-edge web applications built on top of a rock-solid database engine, the Dojo toolkit, and JavaServer Faces technology.
This course leads you through the essential steps to adapt an application originally developed for Notes and then modified as a classic Domino web application, to become a fully functional XPage application.
Lotus Training Learning Objectives
In this course, you will learn how to:
- compare and contrast classic Notes and Domino web applications and XPage applications from user and developer perspectives
- use Forms and Views as schemas for XPage Data Sources
- establish a correct and secure server and client software environment to develop, test, and deploy XPage applications
- fully utilize the XPage-related development features of Eclipse-based Domino Designer
- use both the drag and drop GUI features of the Design tab and the raw editing power of the Source tab
- use “click to set” properties and Simple Actions when feasible but dig deep into client-side and server-side JavaScript for advanced event handler programming using browser DOM, Domino, and XSP object methods
- convert an existing classic Domino web application to a full-featured XPage application
- add and configure user input and container Controls as you build an XPage application step-by-step
- add and configure both Document and View Data Sources and bind Controls to Field and Column
- provide full user navigation to create, refresh, edit, save, and delete documents and response documents
- maximizeView Control features by adding click-to-sort, unread marks, categories and category filtering, response document hierarchy, paging with user-selectable row counts, check boxes, View-level document operations, soft deletes, filter by key, Full Text Search, computed columns, image columns, and columns that perform lookups to other Data Sources
- learn to spot and troubleshoot syntax and programming mistakes and trap for and report runtime errors
- implement built-in input translation and validation and create custom converters and validators for more advanced data checking
- emulate Notes computed, computed for display, and computed when composed Fields
- leverage internal and external resource files, such as client- and server-side JavaScript libraries (including Dojo/Dijit already on the server), CSS, and image
- fully implement Domino server, application, XPage, and document security mechanisms including multi-value Authors and Readers Fields, and Active Content Filtering to prevent cross-site scripting hacks
- control save/replication conflicts and implement Document Locking
- use scoped variables and Profile Documents to overcome the stateless nature of browser-based applications
- conditionally load and render all types of Controls and Container Controls based on runtime conditions and learn the secrets behind the new breed of “one page applications”
- style applications using conventional HTML layout devices, as well as Theme-driven CSS styling such as is done with default server and OneUI Themes
- display JavaScript Array, multi-value Field, bound View, and ViewEntry collections, and document collections in Repeat and Data Table Controls
- utilize almost every type of Control and Container Control, and when those aren’t enough, add Dijit widgets that run both client-side and server-side JavaScript
- integrate XPage applications with classic Domino web applications.
Lotus Training Audience
This course is designed for Notes programmers well versed in using Domino Designer but who are new to XPages. We assume at a bare minimum that you have these skills prior to taking the course:
- thorough knowledge of the Domino Designer development environment (this course brings you up to speed with Eclipse-based Domino Designer), including Form and View design, @Functions, and how to set the ACL
- understanding of the Domino object classes, either from using them in LotusScript or Java (Java is preferred)
- basic knowledge of web development technologies, including browser DOM, (X)HTML, XML, AJAX, Cascading Style Sheets, and some basic JavaScript.
You will benefit more from this course, and be a better XPages developer after this course, if you have also mastered the content from these other offerings:
- Domino Designer: Classic Notes Applications provides the base knowledge for all XPage as well as classic Domino web application development.
- Domino Designer: JavaScript provides a thorough understanding of the core browser and XPages scripting language as well as related technologies, including browser DOMs, DHTML/CSS, ActiveX/Java Applets, and AJAX.
- Domino Designer: LotusScript thoroughly explores the Domino object classes using LotusScript.
- Domino Designer: Browser Applications and Dojo implements Dojo and Dijit in classic Domino web applications, but because XPages are Dojo-based, this course provides key information.
- Domino Designer: Basic Browser Applications shows you how to convert an application written for Notes clients to be used in browsers (classic Domino web applications).
- Domino Designer: Web Agents and Web Services shows you how to provide data to cutting-edge web applications.
- Domino Designer: Formula Language teaches sophisticated application techniques that fully exploit the formula language, also implemented as JavaScript functions for server-side XPages programming.
- Domino Designer: Special Notes Features focuses on programming Notes applications to respond to built-in user interface features. But XPages also benefit from many of the same features taught in this course, such as unread marks, conflict documents, private documents, soft deletions, categories Fields, mail-enabled applications, and Full Text Search.
Advanced XPages developers must know Java and Java EE (including JavaServer Faces (JSF) and JavaServer Pages (JSP) technologies).
Lotus Training Course duration
This course is sold as a 4-day course.
Course design