During this course you will install and configure the Lotus Domino Server and Domino Administrator, and a Notes client to test the installation. When you finish the course, the Server will be ready to serve Domino databases to Notes clients and browsers and to delivery mail within a single Domino Domain.
This course places special emphasis on database services, security, replication, and messaging, the core strengths of Domino.
Lotus Training Learning Objectives
In this course, you will learn how to:
- install, set up, and configure a Domino Server and Domino Administrator
- register a user with basic settings
- create a new database using a standard template
- define groups to manage server and database security
- understand and configure server and database security
- configure the Administration Process to automate administrator tasks
- cross certify other organizations to use your Domino Server
- register a new Server and reconfigure your Server to join an existing Domino Domain
- configure a Remote Primary Directory Server to provide centralized directory services
- replicate databases and schedule automated replication between Domino Servers
- create a Domain Catalog and configure Domain Search
- provide database access to browsers
- transfer and deliver email in a single Domino Domain using the Notes routing protocol.
Lotus Training Audience
This course is part of a series of Domino administration training courses. Follow these paths to master all aspects of administering the Domino Server, Lotus Notes, and other clients.
Courses later in the series assume that you have mastered the content of earlier courses.
This course is designed for network/database administrators who are responsible for supporting Lotus Domino Servers and Notes clients and who:
- have never administered a Domino Server
- are proficient Lotus Notes users.
You will find this course most useful if prior to this course you have:
- studied the principles and operation of personal computer networking using TCP/IP in LAN/WAN/Internet environments
- installed and supported the operating system used in this course (Windows) as well as applications used by those systems
- installed, administered, and supported network operating system server and workstation software.
You will find the course especially rewarding if you have already installed a Domino Server and a handful of Notes Clients and have had some experience designing Domino databases.
Lotus Training Course duration
This course is sold as a 3-day course, but there will more likely be more material than can be covered in that time.
Course design