In this course you will learn how to:
- send and receive electronic mail using Domino Web Access
- know when other people are online and communicate with instant messages
- organize mail into folders
- use the Calendar to schedule appointments and meetings and check for free time in other people’s schedules
- define personal and group To Do’s
- create Contacts for easy mail addressing
- create Notebook Pages to store text and attachments
- work in your Mail while disconnected from the Internet
- manually archive your obsolete messages to free up space in your Mail.
Lotus Training Audience
This course assumes basic personal computer and software skills and is designed for individuals who can:
- start and stop software applications in Microsoft® Windows™
- use Microsoft Windows Explorer to find and organize files
- use Internet Explorer 6 or Mozilla Firefox to open and navigate Web sites
- use any other type of email
- create, format, and print documents using a graphical word processing software package.
Lotus Training Course duration
This course is sold as a 1-day course, but instead should be thought of as a set of materials from which you can create a custom course that both meets the training objectives and your alloted time frame. Most users do not need the full course to begin using Domino Web Access. You can always come back later and train them in more advanced topics.
Lotus Training Course outline
Topic 1: Get Started
Ways to access your Mail
URL to your Mail
Log in
Security Warning
Opening page
Controlling the application
Get Help
Context-sensitive Help
Exercise: Get started
Computer requirements
Topic 2: General Preferences
Open preferences
Confirm Mail owner name
Enable full text search
Make DWA your default mail client
Define date and time formats
Change your Internet password
Exercise: Set Preferences
Install and configure Browser Cache Managemen
Topic 3: Welcome Page
Information portal
Customize the Welcome Page
Panel Contents
Exercise: Create a custom Welcome Page
Startup tab preference
Topic 4: Send Messages
Mail tab
Mail folders and views
Create new message
Message contents
Body field formatting
Delivery Options
Look up addresses
Address validation
Addressing messages outside your company
Save as draft
Send message
Exercise: Create and send message
Phone Message
If a message doesnt get delivered
Delivery failure report
Exercise: Delivery report
Topic 6: Advanced Messaging Features
Feature 1: Stationery
Feature 2: Text signature
Feature 3: Mark message for follow up
Feature 4: Digitally sign and encrypt messages
Open a signed or encrypted message
Feature 5: Block mail from sender
Feature 6: Mail rules
Create mail rule
Multiple rules
Exercise: Rules
Feature 7: Out of Office agent
Topic 7: Instant Messaging
Online presence awareness
Text chat
Change your online status
Leave a message
Exercise: In-context chat
Instant Contact List
Add names to your Instant Contact List
Instant Contact List icons
Chat from the Instant Contact List
Exercise: Add contact and start chat session
Options menu
Alert me when
Instant Contact List preferences
Topic 8: Calendar
Calendar overview
Open Calendar
Create Calendar Entry
Other Calendar Entry types
Exercise: Create new Appointment
Appointment fields
Exercise: Finish creating Appointment
Edit Calendar Entry
Exercise: Edit Calendar Entry
Repeat tab
Reschedule a repeating entry
Calendar preferences
Summarize Calendar
Import holidays
Print Calendar
Topic 9: Schedule a Meeting
The invitation process
Send the meeting invitation
Schedule a meeting
Read and accept a meeting invitation
Automatic Inbox Management
Meeting invitation workflow
Participant status
Exercise: Schedule meeting
Change of mind: Participant
Exercise: Reschedule meeting
Automatic Processing of Meeting Invitations
Invitations and Calendar Entry display
Topic 10: Calendar Entry Schedule Tab
Check for availability
Exercise: Check for availability
Define availability schedule
Create Group Calendar
Topic 11: Resource Reservations
Add rooms and resources to a meeting
Exercise: Schedule a meeting and reserve a room
Topic 12: To Do List
To Do List view
New To Do
Five To Do Views
Display To Dos in your Calendar
Overdue To Dos
Complete a To Do
Exercise: Create To Do
Repeating To Dos
Group To Do
Invitation/acceptance workflow
Exercise: Group To Do
Topic 13: Mail and Calendar Delegation
Delegation preferences
Part 1: Choose a user/group
Part 2: Choose how much of your Mail file to delegate
Part 3: Choose how much access you want to give
Part 4: Automatically forward Calendar notices sent to you
Exercise: Calendar delegation
Topic 14: Contacts
Open Contacts
Create Contact - Basics
Create Contact from message
Copy contact from Select Addresses
Contact nicknames
Exercise: Create contacts
Using Contacts
E-mail groups
Notes users
Topic 15: Notebook
Create Notebook Page
Notes users
Topic 16: Work Offline
Step 1: Check Notes User ID password in Mail
Step 2: Set Offline Preferences
Step 3: Install Sync Manager and subscribe to your Mail
Lotus Domino Sync Manager Console
Open your Mail offline
Synchronization Schedule and Sync Options
Sync Options tab
Lotus Domino Sync Manager option menu
Exercise: Go offline
Topic 17: Quotas and Archiving
Over quota
Reducing your Mail size
Server-based archive
Local archive