AutoCAD Training Overview
The Learning Autodesk Moldflow Insight Basic 2012 training material consists of two training guides: Learning Autodesk Moldflow Insight Basic 2012 Theory & Concepts, and Learning Autodesk Moldflow Insight Basic 2012 Practice. The Theory & Concepts guide discusses the theory, background, and workflows used in Autodesk Moldflow Insight Basic to teach students to apply Moldflow analysis techniques to their parts. In the Practice guide students are provided with exercises to practice the workflows that have been discussed. Overall, the goal is to teach students to become more efficient at creating digital prototypes, running analyses and interpreting the results of most of the analysis types available in the Basic package.
AutoCAD Training Topics
- Navigate and use the Interface
- Complete a Cool, Fill + Pack + Warp analysis
- Step through the general process for analysis projects
- Use flow charts to discuss optimization of filling, packing, and warpage of a part
- Meshing workflow
- Gate placement guidelines and gate location analysis
- Conducting and interpreting a molding window analysis
- Types, manipulation, and interpretation of results
- Working with runners (designs, modeling, and balancing)
- Procedures to set a packing profile
- Advanced options for a flow analysis
- Using Autodesk Moldflow Communicator
- Overview and working with thermoplastics and the injection molding process
- Using finite elements with Moldflow
- Creating HTML, Powerpoint, and Word based reports of an analysis
- Creating part models, feed systems, and cooling channels
- Flow behavior
Prior mold analysis experience is not necessary.
AutoCAD Training Course Duration
32 hours
AutoCAD Training Course outline
Chapter 1 Introduction to Synergy
Chapter 2 Analysis Workflow
Chapter 3 Model Requirements
Chapter 4 Model Translation and Cleanup
Chapter 5 Gate Placement
Chapter 6 Molding Window Analysis
Chapter 7 Results Interpretation
Chapter 8 Gate & Runner Design
Chapter 9 Basic Packing
Chapter 10 Flow Analysis Process Settings
Chapter 11 Autodesk Moldflow Communicator
Chapter 12 Guided Project
Appendix A Thermoplastics Overview
Appendix B Injection Molding Overview
Appendix C Finite Element Overview
Appendix D Moldflow Design Principles
Appendix E How to Use Help
Appendix F Creating Reports
Appendix G Modeling Tools
Appendix H Material Search and Comparing
Appendix I Job Manager
Appendix J Flow Leaders and Deflectors
Appendix K Using Valve Gates