Linux Training Overview
This Linux systems administration course focuses on command line tools.
Linux Training Prerequisites
Prior experience with the Linux command line is preferred but not required.
Linux Training Course duration
3 days
Linux Training Supported Distributions:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
Linux Training Course outline
- Accessing the Command Line
- Logging In
- Secure Shell
- ssh and sshd Configuration
- Accessing Remote Shells
- Transferring Files
- Alternative sftp Clients
- Switching User Contexts
- sudo
- Gathering Login Session Info
Lab Tasks
- Login and Discovery
- Switching Users With su
- Introduction to ssh and scp
- Managing Files from the Command Line
- Filesystem Support
- Unix/Linux Filesystem Features
- Filesystem Hierarchy Standard
- Navigating the Filesystem
- Displaying Directory Contents
- Filesystem Structures
- Determining Disk Usage With df and du
- File Ownership
- Default Group Ownership
- Directory Manipulation
- File Manipulation
- Deleting and Creating Files
- File Extensions and Content
- Displaying Files
- Previewing Files
Lab Tasks
- Navigating Directories and Listing Files
- Disk and Filesystem Usage
- Manipulating Files and Directories
- Get Help in a Textual Environment
- Gathering Login Session Info
- Gathering System Info
- Help from Commands and Documentation
- Getting Help with man & info
Lab Tasks
- Help with Commands
- Intermediate Command Line Tools
- Filesystem Links
- Archives with tar
- Archives with cpio
- The gzip Compression Utility
- The bzip2 Compression Utility
- The XZ Compression Utility
- The PKZIP Archiving/Compression format
- Text Editing
- vi and Vim
- Learning vi
- Basic vi
- Intermediate vi
Lab Tasks
- Archiving and Compression
- Text Editing with Vim
- Regular Expressions, Pipelines, and I/O Redirection
- Searching Inside Files
- The Streaming Editor
- Regular Expression Overview
- Regular Expressions
- RE Quantifiers
- RE Parenthesis
- Communication Channels
- File Redirection
- Piping Commands Together
Lab Tasks
- Pattern Matching with Regular Expressions
- Extended Regular Expressions
- Using Regular Expressions With sed
- Text Processing
- Managing User Accounts
- User and Group Concepts
- User Administration
- Modifying Accounts
- Group Administration
- Password Aging
Lab Tasks
- User and Group Administration
- Secure Linux File Access
- File Ownership
- File and Directory Permissions
- SUID and SGID on files
- SGID and Sticky Bit on Directories
- Changing File Permissions
Lab Tasks
- File and Directory Ownership and Permissions
- Managing Processes
- Automating Tasks
- at/batch
- cron
- The crontab Command
- crontab Format
- /etc/cron.*/ Directories
- Anacron
- Viewing Processes
- Managing Processes
- Tuning Process Scheduling
Lab Tasks
- Creating and Managing User Cron Jobs
- Adding System cron Jobs
- Installing and Managing Software
- Managing Software
- RPM Features
- RPM Architecture
- RPM Package Files
- Working With RPMs
- Querying and Verifying with RPM
- Updating the Kernel RPM
- Managing Software Dependencies
- Using the YUM command
- YUM package groups
- Configuring YUM
- Yum Plugins
- YUM Repositories
Lab Tasks
- Managing Software with RPM
- Managing YUM Repositories
- Using YUM
- Creating a Custom RPM Repository
- Managing Installed Services
- Booting Linux on PCs
- /sbin/init
- /etc/inittab
- /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit
- Runlevel Implementation
- System Configuration Files
- Managing Daemons
- Controlling Service Startup
- Shutdown and Reboot
Lab Tasks
- Managing Services With chkconfig
- Boot Process
- Troubleshooting Practice: Boot Process
- Installing Linux Graphically
- Anaconda: An Overview
- Anaconda: Booting the System
- Anaconda: Common Boot Options
- Anaconda: Loading Anaconda and Packages
- Anaconda: Storage Options
- Anaconda: Troubleshooting
- FirstBoot
- A Typical Install
Lab Tasks
- Linux Installation
- Manage Virtual Machines
- Introducing libvirt
- libvirt: Basic Concepts
- libvirt: Storage Architecture
- libvirt: Network Architecture
- libvirt: Graphical Tools
- libvirt: Command Line Tools
- virsh: Basics
- virsh: Common Tasks
- virt-install
- libguestfs and guestfish
Lab Tasks
- Installing a Virtual Machine