This 3-day course provides extensive training on selectors, DOM manipulation, handle events, create
effects, build AJAX applications, write and use jQuery plugins and organize jQuery code. When you
complete this course you will be able complete basic tasks using jQuery, and you will have a solid basis
from which to continue your learning.
Front-end developers.
Experience in HTML and JavaScript, and experience in CSS would be beneficial.
Course duration
3 Days
Course outline
1. jQuery Introduction
- How jQuery Works
- First Example
2. JavaScript Basics
- Syntax Basics
- Reserved Words
- Operators
- Operations on Numbers and Strings
- Logical Operators
- Comparison Operators
- Conditional Code
- Conditional Variable Assignment with the Ternary Operator
- Switch Statements
- Loops
- Arrays
- Object
- Functions
- Testing Type
- Scope Closures
3. jQuery Basic Concepts
- Basic Flow of a jQuery Application
- Using $(document)ready()
- Selecting Elements
- Operating on Selections
- Working with Selections
- CSS, Styling, and Dimensions
- Traversing
- Manipulating the DOM
4. jQuery Core
- $ vs jQuery
- $ vs $()
- Utility Methods
- Checking Types
- Storing and Retrieving Data Related to an Element
- DOM-Related Utilities
- Avoiding Conflicts with Other Libraries
5. Events and Event Handlers
- Connecting Events to Elements
- Namespacing Events
- Inside the Event Handling Function
- Triggering Event Handlers
- Increasing Performance with Event Delegation
- Removing Delegated Event Handlers
- Event Helpers
6. Effects
- Built-in Effects
- jQueryfxspeeds
- Limitations on Effects
- Queuing of Effects with Other Operations
- Callbacks - Doing Something When an Effect is Done
- Running Code When an Effect is Complete
- Custom Effects with $fnanimate
- Easing
- Managing Effects
- jQueryfxoff
7. Ajax
- Key Concepts
- The Same Origin Policy
- Data Types
- A is for Asynchronous
- Same-Origin Policy and JSONP
- Ajax and Firebug
- jQuery's Ajax-Related Methods
- $ajax
- Convenience Methods
- $fnload
- Ajax and Forms
- Working with JSONP
- Ajax Events
8. Plugins
- How to Create a Basic Plugin
- Testing Our Plugin
- Finding and Evaluation Plugins
9. Best Practices
- JavaScript Best Practices
- Namespacing Variables
- Cache Frequently Used Values
- Beware Anonymous Functions
- jQuery Best Practices
- Optimize Selectors
- Use "Safe" Selectors
- Use Event Delegation
- Detach Elements to Work with Them
- Use Stylesheets for Changing CSS on Many Elements
- Use $data Instead of $fndata
- Code Organization
- Don't Treat jQuery as a Black Box
10. Custom Events
- About Custom Events
- Recap: $fnon, $fntrigger, and $fntriggerHandler
- Summary
11. jQuery Mobile jQuery UI
- jQuery UI & jQuery Mobile
- jQuery UI
- jQuery Mobile