This course will integrate a combination of instructor-led discussions and interactive workshops to demonstrate the capabilities of Web Service within ecommerce applications. This seminar will illustrate the building, testing and deployment of Web Services, explore their fundamental capabilities, utilization of SOAP and XML, role of WSDL (Web Services Descriptive Language), use of UDDI registries and the development of JavaBeans and EJBs as Web Services.
Each student should have a basic knowledge of RAD v6.x and have been exposed to the Java programming language.
Class Format
Lecture and Lab
Java developers, web page designers and other professionals thatwill be developing Web Services using Rational Application Developer v5.x.
Learning Objectives
Upon conclusion participants will have acquired these skills:
- Understand the architecture of Service Oriented Architecture
- Explain the roles of SOAP and XML
- Demonstrate the conversion of JavaBeans and EJBs to function as Web Services
- Illustrate the use of Web Services Descriptive Language (WSDL)
- Depict the SOAP processing architecture: messages and bindings
- Understand the architecture of Apache Axis
- Develop Web Service from a JavaBean using RAD v6.x
- Depict process of serialization in SOAP and compare to J2EE equivalent
- Demonstrate the development of Web Service client applications
- Test Web Services application using RAD v6.x
- Depict the UDDI registry model architecture
- Illustrate WebSphere Web Services Gateway architecture
- Illustrate the deployment of Web Services to the WebSphere Application Server environment
Course Duration
3 Days
Course outline
Services Overview
- Service Oriented Architecture
o UDDI Registries
o Service Requestor
o Web Service
- B2C vs B2B
- Defining XML
o Architecture
o Messages
- Web Services Descriptive Language
o Definition
o Usage
Web Services Implementation
- Components
- J2EE Integration
- ECommerce usage
o Hosted
o Published
o Discovery
o Usage
- RAD Development
Introduction to
- Overview
- SOAP Messages
o Envelope
o Header
o Body
- SOAP transport protocols
- Error processing
- Attachments
- Bindings
Apache Axis
- Overview of Axis
- Axis architecture
o Handlers and message paths
o Server message path
o Client message path
- Message Flow subsystem
o Handlers and chains
o Message Contexts
o Engine
- Message Models
o SOAP Model
o Message elements
o Deserialization
- Encoding
WSAD Web Services
- RAD Tool support
- Web Services wizard
o Deployment settings
o Java to XML mappings
o Binding Proxy generation
o XML to Java mappings
o SOAP Binding Mapping configuration
- Generated files
o Client
o Proxy
- Deployment
o Testing/Debugging
o Publishing
- Tracing SOAP Messages
Services Descriptive Language
- Illustrate role of WSDL
- Components
o Types
o Porttypes
o Binding
o Service
- Attachment support
- WSDL and the client
- Creation via RAD (Top/Down)
Web Services Clients
- Depict client requirements
- Construct Web Service client using
Apache SOAP
- RADClient development
o Use of WSDL
o Wizards
o Source
- Depict functions of a Web Service proxy
Packaging and Deployment
- J2EE Application packaging
- Packaging WAR files
- Class loading policies
- Enterprise application installation
- Deployment Descriptors
o web.xml
o ejb-jar.xml
o application.xml
- Enterprise Application (EAR) deployment
- Web Service requirements
o Runtime files
o Application Server impact
o Java client requirements
Web Services Clients
- Web Service from URL
o Servlet Overview
o Create URL Web Service
o Generated files
o Testing
- Web Service from EJB
o Session vs Entity EJBs
o Session EJBs
- Stateful
o EJB Lifecycles
o Web Service from EJB
- RAD tools
- Files created
of UDDI Registries
- Static vs dynamic Web Services
- Web Services discovery
o Global
o Private
o Business Partners
- UDDI Versions
- UDDI Models
o White
o Yellow
o Green
- Use of tModels
- UDDI Data Models
o Illustration
o Associate WSDL with Web Service
o Locate Web Services for WSDL document
WebSphere Application Server v6 Deployment
- Web Services Gateway
o Service Mapping
o Transformation
o UDDI Publication and Lookup
o Security
- Handling inbound requests
- Handling outbound requests
- Protocol transformation
- Non-SOAP services access
- Deployment
o J2EE Packaging
o Use of EAR files