PHP Training Overview
In this PHP training course, students will learn to create database-driven websites using PHP and MySQL or the database of their choice.
PHP Training Prerequisites
Experience in the following areas is required:
Experience in the following areas would be beneficial.
PHP Training Learning Objectives
- Learn how PHP works
- Learn the basic syntax of PHP
- Learn to create dynamic interactive pages with PHP
- Learn to manipulate files with PHP
- Learn to work with arrays in PHP
- Learn to validate forms with PHP
- Learn to write functions in PHP
- Learn to manipulate and manage database data with PHP
- Learn to authenticate users with PHP
- Learn to manage sessions with PHP
- Learn to work with the PEAR:DB module
- Learn advanced form validation with regular expressions
- Learn to send email with PHP
PHP Training Course duration
4 Days
PHP Training Course outline
- PHP Basics
- PHP Syntax
- Passing Values Via the URL
- HTML Forms and PHP Variables
- Identifiers and Constants
- Variable Scope
- Magic Quotes
- Operators
- Flow Control
- If Conditions
- Switch Statements
- Loops
- Getting the Most out of
- Reading and Writing to Files in PHP
- Opening a File
- Reading from a File
- Writing to a File
- Other File Functions
- File Locking
- Using Arrays in PHP
- Standard Arrays
- Associative Arrays
- Two-dimensional Arrays
- Array Manipulation Functions
- String Manipulation in PHP
- Formatting Strings
- String Functions
- Basic Form Validation
- Reusing Code and Writing Functions in PHP
- Including Files
- Writing User-defined Functions
- Passing by Value vs. Passing by Reference
- Returning Values from Functions
- Database Manipulation and PHP
- Querying a Database and Displaying Results
- Inserting Records
- Updating Records
- Deleting Records
- Authentication with PHP and SQL
- PHP's Native Database Functions
- PEAR:DB as an Abstraction Layer
- Encrypting Passwords
- Session Control in PHP
- Starting Sessions
- Continuing Sessions
- Ending Sessions
- Writing and Deleting Cookies
- Improving Login/Logout
- Advantages and Disadvantages of PEAR DB
- Why use a database abstraction layer?
- When not to use a database abstraction layer?
- Why use a database abstraction layer?
- When not to use a database abstraction layer?
- Using PEAR DB
- Authentication with PHP and SQL
- A Database-less Login Form
- Conclusion
- Regular Expressions
- Perl-compatible Regular Expression Functions
- preg_match()
- preg_replace()
- Regular Expression Tester
- preg_match()
- preg_replace()
- Regular Expression Tester
- Regular Expression Syntax
- Start and End ( ^ $ )
- Number of Occurrences ( ? + * {} )
- Common Characters ( . \d \D \w \W \s \S )
- Grouping ( [] )
- Negation ( ^ )
- Subpatterns ( () )
- Alternatives ( | )
- Escape Character ( \ )
- Start and End ( ^ $ )
- Number of Occurrences ( ? + * {} )
- Common Characters ( . \d \D \w \W \s \S )
- Grouping ( [] )
- Negation ( ^ )
- Subpatterns ( () )
- Alternatives ( | )
- Escape Character ( \ )
- Form Validation Functions with Regular Expressions
- Conclusion
- Session Control and Cookies
- Sessions
- Configuring Sessions
- Session Functions
- Configuring Sessions
- Session Functions
- Cookies
- Conclusion
- Sending Email with PHP
- mail()
- Shortcomings of mail()
- PHPMailer
- Conclusion
- File System Management
- Opening a File
- fopen()
- Reading from a File
- fgets()
- Writing to a File
- fwrite()
- File Locking
- flock()
- Uploading Files via an HTML Form
- Getting File Information
- More File Functions
- Directory Functions
- Getting a Directory Listing
- Getting a Directory Listing
- Conclusion