This course will integrate a combination of instructor-led discussions and interactive workshops to demonstrate the implementation of JavaServer Faces in a web application. This seminar will focus on: architecture of JSF application, Struts comparison, role of UI components, use of faces-config.xml file, role of managed beans, integration of JSF tags in JSP documents, dynamic and static navigation, role of listeners, use of validators and converters, use of Data tables and JSF expression language. All of these topics will be discussed using the Rational Application Developer as the primary development, implementation and testing tool.
Each student should have a basic understanding of the internet and have been exposed to the Java programming language
Class Format
Lecture and Lab
Java developers, web page designers and other professionals that will be designing, developing and implementing JavaServer Faces applicationsusing Rational Application Developer v6.0.
Learning Objectives
After completing this course, the student should be able to:
- Understand the role of JavaServer Faces applications
- Explain the role of RAD for building and
implementing JSF systems
- Depict the use of the faces-config.xml file
for managing JSF applications
- Illustrate the definition and usage of managed
- Understand the role of the many different
JSF tags integrated into our JSP documents
- Compare Struts and JSF applications
- Illustrate the development of Service Data
Objects (SDO) for accessing data fields and
linking them to the interface.
- Depict the role of JavaServer Faces for building
web pages by assembling reusable components
- Illustrate the use of both static and dynamic
- Deploy validation and conversion processes
via multiple methods in our JSF applications
- Depict the use of JSF Data tables for displaying
relational data
- Understand the usage of JSF expression language
for accessing bean properties
- Deploy JSF applications to the embedded WebSphere
Application Server
Course Duration
3 Days
Course outline
Struts to JSF Evolution
- MVC and Struts
- Web application development
o Struts component
o ApplicationResources.properties
o Tag libraries
- Action mappings
- FORM beans
- Struts to JSF comparison
o Advantages
o Disadvantates
- JSF framework
- UI components
- Validation
- Conversion
- Events and listeners
- Rendering
- JSF Request cycle
- Faces context
- request processing lifecycle
- Role of Faces servlet
- Updates to web.xml file
- JSF Application projects
- Structure
- Files
- Page code
- Web content
- Building JSF via Web Diagram tool
of Managed Beans
- Definition of Managed beans
- Managed beans
o Definition
o Message bundles
o Configuration
o Value binding expressions
- faces-config.xml file updates
- Scope requirements
- Defining attributes
- Introduction to JSF navigation
- Static vs Dynamic
- Generating JSF outcomes
- Event Handling
o Value change
o Action event
o Event listener tags
o Struts comparison
Service Data Objects
- Service Data Objects
o Overview
o SDO vs JDO
- SDO objects
o Data objects
o Data graphs
o properties
- Building SDO access via RAD
- Integrating SDO with JSF applications
Action Listeners
- Illustrate role of listeners
- Listener varieties
o Action
o Value changes
- Actions and navigation
- Integration with JSF forms
- Listener placement
o JSF application
o Managed bean
o JSP document
- ActionListener vs ValueChangeListener
JSP v2.0 Expression Language
- Illustrate use of JSP v2.0
- Use of properties files
o f:loadBundle
o properties file structure
- faces-config updates
- Integration with JSF input forms
- Nested bean properties
- Array notation
- Accessing Collections
- Implicit objects
- EL Operators
o Arithmetic
o Relational
o Logical
- Conditional Expressions
Data Tables
- Demonstrate use of Data Tables
- h:dataTable
o var
o h:column
- Headers and Footers
- Integration with managed beans
- Formatting tables and style sheets