This CSS training class teaches students to use Cascading Style Sheets to format HTML pages. This
course has been updated to use the latest CSS3 methods.
Students interested in writing web pages using style sheets.
Experience in HTML
Course duration
2 Days
Course outline
1. Crash Course in CSS
- Benefits of Cascading Style Sheets
- CSS Rules
- Selectors
- Precedence of Selectors
- The Cascade
- Creating an Embedded Style Sheet
- Creating an External Style Sheet
- Adding Inline Styles
- Media
- Types
- <div> and <span>
- Divs and Spans
- Units of Measurement
- The Inherit Value
- @import
2. CSS Fonts
- Font-the old way
- Font-family
- Font-size
- Font Family and Font Size
- Font-style
- Font-variant
- Font-weight
- Font Style, Font Variant and Font Weights
3. CSS Text
- Letter-spacing
- Word-spacing
- Line-height
- Text-align
- Text-decoration
- Text-indent
- Text-transform
- Vertical-align
- White-space
- Text Properties
4. Colors and Backgrounds
- About Color Values
- Color Names
- Background-color
- Background-image
- Colors and
- Backgrounds
5. Custom Cursors
- Cursor Styles
- Custom Cursors
- Using Custom Cursors
6. CSS and Links
- Pseudo-classes
- CSS Button Links
- Modifying Links
7. Borders, Margins and Padding
- Getting Started
- Borders
- Margin
- Padding
- Borders, Marg
- in and Padding
8. Styling Tables with CSS
- A Review of HTML Table
- Syntax
- Styling a Table
9. Transforms and Transitions
- Transitions
- Two-dimensional Transforms
- Transitions and Transforms