Blockchain Training Overview
Blockchain has been ushered in as one of the revolutionary technologies that can herald the advent of the fourth industrial revolution. It is a decentralized, peer-to-peer network which is the underlying infrastructure for bitcoin, which is now finding increased applications across industrial sectors, the prominent among them being banking and financial services.
The Blockchain training course can help individuals to make the best use of utmost scarcity of skilled & certified blockchain professionals and command big salaries. You can also be a part of the blockchain hyper ledger community upon completion of the blockchain technology course. Blockchain technology today is very robust and there are a lot of aspects like Solidity programming language, distributed ledger cloud platform, ethereum & bitcoin cryptocurrency.
Blockchain Training Audience
Architects and Technical leaders Leaders who make technical decisions about their architecture, environments, and development platforms.
Blockchain Training Course duration
3 days
Blockchain Training Course outline
What is Blockchain?
Blockchain Basic Principles
- Centralized and Decentralized Ledgers
- Mechanics of Blockchain
- What is a Block?
- How are Blocks Chained Together?
How Does Blockchain Work?
- Benefits and Drawbacks of Blockchain
- Cryptography
- Public Key Cryptography
- Cryptographic Hashing
- Blockchain Consensus
- Proof of Work Consensus
- Proof of Stake Consensus
- Other Consensus Mechanisms Explained
- Lifecycle of a Public Blockchain Transaction
Types of Blockchains
- Public vs Private Blockchains
- Open vs Closed Blockchains
- Open Source Blockchain Projects
- Blockchain Smart Contracts
- Tokens and Coins
- Using Gas in Ethereum
- “Blockless” Solution Platforms
How is Blockchain Different Than What We Have Today?
- Types of Networks
- Centralized Networks
- Distributed Networks
- Decentralized Networks
- Software vs Firmware
- Blockchain vs Database
What Does a Blockchain Application Look Like?
- Blockchain Application Architecture
- Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
- User Interaction Layer
- Middle/Interface Layer
- Smart Contracts/Chaincode
How Do I Design a Blockchain Application?
- Guiding Design Principles
- Personas (User Types)
- User Stories (Application Interaction)
- Application Functional Requirements
- Application Technical Requirements
- Design Tasks
- Fundamental Design Questions
How Do I Develop a Blockchain Application?
- Fundamental Design Concepts
- Calling External Contracts
- Error Handling
- Pull vs Push Payments
- On-Chain Data
- Local Testing Recommendations
- Not Using Agile Development Process
- Technology Design Decisions
- Monolithic vs Modular
- Complexity Models
How Do I test a Blockchain Application?
- Blockchain Testing Approaches
- Unit Testing
- Developer Level Testing
- Configuration & Environment Testing
- Load/Performance Testing
- Volume/Stress Testing
- Regression Testing
- Application Bug Classifications
- User Load Testing
- Key Blockchain Architecture Testing Questions
Use Cases for Blockchain
- Real world implementations of Blockchain