IT professionals. This workshop can also be customized for other professionals.
Maximum number of participants: 12
Course duration
2 Days
Classroom Requirements
Room set up as horseshoe and large enough for team activities, or with break-out rooms for team activities. Overhead projector, flipcharts.
- Presentation
- Written Exercises
- Interactive Activities
After this course a student should be able to
- Define “influencing” and identify factors that affect one’s ability to influence others
- Identify the components of effective communication
- Describe “rapport” and the different levels at which it can be established
- Use effective negotiating techniques
Course outline
- Introduction
- Housekeeping
- Introductions
- Objectives and Agenda
- Defining “influencing”
- Communication
- Body language
- Reading Body Language
- Personal space
- Cultural Differences
- Using Body Language to Convey Messages
- Using Body Language to Create Rapport
- Voice patterns
- Words and matching language
- Guidelines
- Matching Language
- Avoiding Overload
- Active listening skills
- Techniques for Effective Listening
- Representational systems
- Objectives in Communication
- Using Negatives to Positive Effect
- Good Communicators
- Levels of Rapport
- Logical levels and leverage
- Environment
- Behavior
- Capability
- Values and Beliefs
- Negotiating Skills
- Types of negotiation
- Stages of negotiation
- Preparation
- Setting the Scene
- Bargaining
- Close
- Ground rules for negotiation
- Resolving conflict
- Using questions
- Unconscious Thought Patterns
- Identifying thought patterns
- How they impact on communication
- Course Review