This course utilizes an instructor-led lectures and discussion format coupled with progressive hands-on exercises and an in-class case study that are all designed to illustrate the following topics; role of Universes, differences between dimensions, measures and details, best-practice methodology for creating universes, denoting role of Fact/Dimension tables, discuss security access restrictions, locating required tables, using Joins and cardinality, linking universes together, understanding List of Values concept and cascading LOVs, defining Universe hierarchies, use of Contexts and Alias, performance issues and Universe distribution concepts
Each of these different reporting concepts is covered in-depth and numerous case studies and exercises are used to reinforce the concepts and apply them towards developing comprehensive reports.
IT professionals that will be designing, creating, documenting, maintaining and deploying BusinessObjects Universes for client usage.
Upon conclusion, each participant will have acquired these skills:
- Understand the role of BusinessObjects Universes
- Denote impact of Fact and Dimension tables in Start Schema
- Depict the role of dimensions, measures and detail objects
- Illustrate the critical path for designing and developing BusinessObject Universes
- Define the functions of Universe parameters
- Illustrate access restrictions for users and groups on universe elements
- Incorporating the usage of table Joins
- Discerning role of join cardinality in table relationships
- Illustrate how to link different universes together
- Understand the differing roles of Classes and Objects
- Illustrate the use of SQL scalar and aggregate functions and BusinessObject's @ functions in Universe creation
- Depict creation and usage of Derived tables
- Discuss application of aggregate awareness to objects
- Understand the role of derived universes and index awareness
- Depict the resolution of looping within a universe using aliases, shortcut joins and creation of Contexts
- Use of the List of Values and cascading LOVs to increase product usability.
- Define the role of hierarchies in Universe design
- Illustrate techniques for query optimization within Universe design.
- Understand the process of Universe deployment
Class Format
Lecture and Lab
Course duration:
3 days
Course outline:
I. BusinessObjects Designer
- Client role
- Data Warehouse
- Data utilization by users
- Warehouse data: real-time, reconciled, derived, changed and metadata
- Using a data warehouse
- BusinessObjects environment
- Role of the BusinessObject universe
- Integrating data warehouse to BusinessObject universe
- Universe design principles
- Defining metadata layer
- Universe components
- Schema support
II. Classes and Objects
- Defining Class, Object and Condition operations
- Create new Class
- Depict Dimension, Measure and Detail
- Defining LOV properties
- Subclasses
- Object creation
- Object properties
- Use of WHERE clause
- @Prompt
- @Script
- @Select
- @Variable
- @Where
- Measures
- List of Values
- Conditional creation
III. Table Joins
- Defining Joins
- Supported Join types
- Cardinality
- Building Joins w/ Designer
- Using Detect
- Candidate joins
- Manual join operations
- Editing joins
- Formula bar
- Equi-join creation
- Theta join
- Outer join
- Detect join cardinalities
- Integrity checks
IV. Alias and Contexts
- Defining a loop
- Detect a loop
- Define an alias
- Creation of alias
- Define a context
- Effect of contexts on a query
- Contexts and alias together
- Fan and Chasm Traps
V. Multiple Fact Tables
- Role of multiple fact tables
- Effect on Universe
- Generation of Contexts
- Diagnosing loops
VI. Universe Conditions
- Role of pre-Defined Conditions
- Simple and Complex conditions
- Use of prompted conditions
VII. Defining Hierarchies
- Role of hierarchies
- User vs table defined
- Automated hierarchies
- Interaction with Scope of Analysis
VIII. Where Extraction Criteria
- Utilization with Dimension and Measure objects
- Use of Scalar and aggregate functions
- Effect on Universe usage
- Role of List of Values
IX. Universe Integrity
- Object parsing
- Join cardinality
- Checking for Loops
- Conditions
- Use of Contexts
X. Aggregate Awareness
- Definition
- Methodology
- Aggregrate aware objects
- @Aggregrate_Aware
- Object analysis
- Compatible objects
XI. Universe Maintenance
- Saving updates
- Deriving Indexes and Keys
- Use of Index awareness
- Linking Universes
- Repository distribution
- File distribution
- Exporting
- Importing