Autodesk Inventor 2011 Advanced Part Modeling is the second in a series of courses on Inventor. The goal of this training guide is to build on the skills acquired in the Inventor Introduction to Solid Modeling course by taking students to a higher level of productivity when designing part models in Inventor. In addition, students will learn about various drawing tools.
In this guide, we consider various approaches to part design and emphasize useful strategies. Specific advanced part modeling techniques covered include multi-body design, advanced lofts, advanced sweeps, coils, and surface modeling.
Additional material aimed at increasing efficiency is also included: iFeatures for frequently needed design elements, iParts for similar designs, iLogic for automating designs, translation options for importing data, and the Engineer’s Notebook for communication. The course also covers some miscellaneous drawing tools such as custom sketches symbols, working with title blocks and borders, and documenting iParts. With an understanding of these tools, students can begin to streamline the design and documentation process.
AutoCAD Training Topics
- Advanced model appearance options
- Multi-body part modeling
- 2D and 3D sketching techniques
- Advanced geometry creation tools (work features, area lofts, sweeps, coils)
- Part creation using iLogic
- Analysis tools
- Creating and editing basic surfaces
- Importing surfaces and surface repair tools
- Using iFeatures and iParts to work efficiently with part models
- Advanced Drawing tools (tables for iParts, surfaces in drawing views, and custom sketched symbols)
- Importing and exporting data
- Adding notes with the Engineer’s Notebook
AutoCAD Training Prerequisites
The class assumes a mastery of Inventor basics as taught in Inventor Introduction to Solid Modeling. Students should know how to create and edit parts, use work features, and create and annotate drawing views, etc.
AutoCAD Training Course Duration
16 hours
AutoCAD Training Course outline
Chapter 1 Tips & Tools
1.1 Design Philosophies
Base Feature
Sketching Plane.
Sketch References
Sketch Options
Feature Relationships
Depth Options
Feature Order
1.2 Sketching Tips
Simple Sketches
Sketch Degrees of Freedom
Reference in 3D
Fillets and Chamfers
Construction Entities
Sketched Sections
1.3 Modeling Tips
Pattern Options
Dynamic Input & Dimensioning for Sketching
Precise Input
1.4 Appearance Options
Visual Style
Ground Plane
Lighting Styles
Perspective & Orthographic Views
1.5 Color Styles
Exercise 1a Create a Sketch using Precise Coordinates
Exercise 1b Create a Lighting Style
Exercise 1c Create a Color Style
Chapter 2 Multi-Body Part Modeling
Creating the First Solid Body.
Creating Additional Solid Bodies
Assigning Features to Solid Bodies
Manipulating Solid Bodies
Solid Body Display
Solid Body Properties
Exercise 2a Multi-Body Part Design
Chapter 3 Sketching Tools
3.2 3D Sketches
Intersection Curve
Project Curve to Surface
Silhouette Curves
Helical Curve
Work Features
Import Points
Exercise 3a Create a Swept Cut using a 3D Sketch
Exercise 3b Imported Point Data
Chapter 4 Advanced Work Features
4.1 Grounded Work Points
4.2 User Coordinate Systems
Redefining UCS Placement
UCS Visibility and Naming
Exercise 4a Creating Geometry using a UCS
Chapter 5 Advanced Lofts, Sweeps, and Coils
5.1 Area Lofts
5.2 Advanced Loft Options
5.3 Advanced Sweeps
Path and Guide Rail Sweep
Path and Guide Surface Sweep
5.4 Coils
Exercise 5a Area Loft
Exercise 5b Sweeps
Exercise 5c Creating a Coil
Chapter 6 Part Design using iLogic
6.1 Introduction to iLogic
6.2 iLogic Functions
6.3 Creating Parts Using iLogic
User Parameters
Key Parameters
Flexing the Model
Exercise 6a Building a Logical Part Model
Chapter 7 Analyzing a Model
Zebra Analysis
Draft Analysis
Curvature Analysis
Surface Analysis
Cross Analysis
7.2 Analysis Procedures
Exercise 7a Analyzing Continuity
Exercise 7b Draft Analysis
Exercise 7c Section Analysis
Chapter 8 Introduction to Surfacing
8.1 Introduction to Surfaces
8.2 Basic Surfaces
8.3 Patch Surfaces
8.4 Stitch Surfaces
8.5 Sculpting with Surfaces
8.6 Thickening & Offsetting a Surface
8.7 Surfaces in Drawing Views
Include Surfaces
Exclude Surfaces
Surfaces in Child Views
Annotating Surfaces in a Drawing
Exercise 8a Creating a Surface I
Exercise 8b Creating a Surface II
Exercise 8c Sculpting a Surface
Chapter 9 Additional Surfacing Options
9.1 Extend and Trim Surfaces
Trim Surface
Extend Surface
9.2 Replace Face with a Surface
9.3 Delete Faces
9.4 Copy Surface.
Exercise 9a Extending Surfaces
Exercise 9b Copying Surfaces
Exercise 9c Delete Face
Chapter 10 Importing Surfaces
10.1 Importing Surfaces
10.2 Repairing Imported Surfaces
Exercise 10a Repairing Imported Data
Exercise 10b Import Surfaces
Chapter 11 Copying Between Parts (iFeatures)
11.1 Creating iFeatures
11.2 Inserting iFeatures
11.3 iFeatures vs. Copy Feature
11.4 Table-Driven iFeatures
11.5 Editing iFeatures
Edit Inserted iFeature
Edit iFeature file
Editing the iFeature Image
Placement Help
Exercise 11a Create and Insert an iFeature
Exercise 11b Table-Driven iFeature
Exercise 11c Slotted Hole iFeature (Optional)
Chapter 12 iParts
12.1 iPart Creation
12.2 iPart Placement
Placing a Standard iPart
Placing a custom iPart
Replacing an iPart
12.3 Editing an iPart Factory
Edit Table
Adding Features to an iPart
12.4 Creating iFeatures from a Table-Driven iPart
12.5 Tables for Factory Members
Exercise 12a Bolt iPart Factory
Exercise 12b Create an iPart Factory
Exercise 12c iParts in Assemblies
Exercise 12d iPart Member Tables
Chapter 13 Translation
13.1 Import and Export Data
13.2 Importing Data Formats
Editing Imported Data
13.3 Importing Solids
DWG TrueConnect
Mechanical Desktop
Alias Studio Files
Alias Design Integration
Importing Files using the DWG/DXF File Wizard.
Exercise 13a Opening STEP Files in Inventor
Exercise 13b Importing AutoCAD DWG Data to Create a
Appendix A Creating Emboss and Decal Features
A.1 Emboss Features
A.2 Decal Features
Exercise A1 Emboss and Decals
Appendix B Custom Sketched Symbols
B.1 Create Sketched Symbols
B.2 Place Sketched Symbols
B.3 AutoCAD Blocks in Inventor
Exercise B1 Custom Sketch Symbols I
Exercise B2 Custom Sketch Symbols II
Appendix C CAD Management
C.1 Title Block and Border Customization
Use Existing Title Blocks and Borders
Create a New Title Block and Border
C.2 Style Library Manager
Style Library
Style Library Manager
Copy Styles Between Style Libraries
Rename or Delete Styles
Create a New Style Library
C.3 Style Management Wizard
Exercise C1 Customizing the Title Block
Appendix D Engineer’s Notebook
D.1 Engineer’s Notebook
D.2 Notes
Exercise D1 Engineer’s Notebook