The Inventor 2011 Introduction to Assemblies and Drawings training guide instructs users in best usage approaches for assembly design and documenting both part and assembly models in a drawing. All skills are taught through a hands-on, practice-intensive curriculum.
This book is the second of two books that make up the Inventor 2011 Introduction to Modeling course. The first book, Inventor 2011 Introduction to Part Modeling focuses on designing models from conceptual sketching to solid modeling.
AutoCAD Training Topics
- Placing and constraining parts in assemblies
- Assembly component display
- Presentation files (Exploded views)
- Assembly tools
- Creating parts and features in assemblies
- Working with projects
- Documenting parts and assemblies in drawings (views, detailing, annotations)
- Defining the assembly Bill of Materials
AutoCAD Training Prerequisites
As an introductory course, Inventor 2011 Introduction to Assemblies and Drawings does not assume prior knowledge of any 3D modeling or CAD software. Students do need to be experienced with the Windows operating system and the Inventor 2011 Introduction to Part Modeling course is recommended.
AutoCAD Training Course Duration
16 hours
AutoCAD Training Course outline
Chapter 1 Assembly Environment
1.1 Assembling Components
Assembly Examples
1.2 Content Center
Searching the Content Center
1.3 Assembly Browser.
1.4 Saving Files
Exercise 1a Assembly Basics I
Exercise 1b Assembly Basics II
Exercise 1c Assembly Basics III (Optional)
Chapter 2 Manipulating Assembly Display.
2.1 Moving and Rotating Assembly Components
Moving Components
Rotating Components
Updating the Assembly
2.2 Suppressing Constraints
2.3 Component Display
Visible Components
Enabling Components
Isolating Components
Section Views
Design Views
2.4 Selection Options in Assemblies
Exercise 2a Assemble Components
Chapter 3 Design Presentation and Animation
3.1 Exploded View Presentations
Save Camera
Exercise 3a Create an Explode Presentation
Exercise 3b Animate an Assembly.
Chapter 4 Assembly Tools
4.1 Replacing Components
4.2 Restructuring Components
Assembly Folders
4.3 Driving Constraints
4.4 Contact Solver
4.5 Interference
4.6 Error Recovery
Exercise 4a Using Assembly Tools
Exercise 4b Replacing Components
Exercise 4c Restructuring the Assembly
Exercise 4d Drive Constraints
Exercise 4e Interference Checking
Chapter 5 Assembly Parts and Features
5.1 Assembly Parts
5.2 Assembly Features
Exercise 5a Mold Assembly
Chapter 6 Working With Projects
6.1 New Projects
Project Tree
Edit Project Paths
Library Paths
Search Sequence
Sub-Folders in Project Locations
6.2 Resolving Links
6.3 The Project Browser.
Exercise 6a Creating a Project File
Chapter 7 Drawing Basics.
7.1 New Drawing Views
User-Defined Orientation Views
Auxiliary Views
Section Views
Detailed Views
Break Views
Break Out Views
Overlay Views
Crop Views
Draft Views
7.2 Manipulating Views
Delete Views
Suppress Views
Move Views
View Alignment
Change View Scale
Editing View Labels
Replace Models
View Properties
Editing Sheets
Exercise 7a Create a Drawing I
Exercise 7b Create a Drawing II
Exercise 7c Create a Drawing III
Chapter 8 Detailing Drawings
8.1 Dimensions
Model Dimensions.
Drawing Dimensions
Editing Drawing Dimensions
Dimension Styles
8.2 Parts List
Editing the Parts List
8.3 Balloons
Placing Balloons Individually.
Placing Balloons Globally
Manipulating Balloons
8.4 Styles and Standards
Drawing Sheet Preferences
8.5 Hatching.
Exercise 8a Detailing a Drawing I
Exercise 8b Detailing a Drawing II
Exercise 8c Create a Drawing (Optional)
Chapter 9 Assembly Bill of Materials
9.1 Create Virtual Components
9.2 Create Bill of Materials
View Properties
Part Number Merge Settings
Exercise 9a Bill of Materials
Chapter 10 Drawing Annotations
10.1 Text
Modifying Text
Adding Model or User Parameters as Text
Adding Properties as Text
10.2 Symbols
10.3 Hole and Thread Notes
Creating a Hole or Thread Note
Adding Text to a Hole Note
Editing a Hole Note
Hole Quantity in Notes
10.4 Chamfer Notes
Creating Chamfer Notes
Editing Chamfer Notes
10.5 Center Marks and Center Lines
Center Marks
Center Line
Center Line Bisector
Centered Pattern
10.6 Hole Tables
10.7 Revision Tables and Tags
Exercise 10a Adding Text and Symbols
Exercise 10b Notes, Center Marks and Center Lines
Exercise 10c Adding a Revision Table and Tags
Exercise 10d Adding Hole Tables and Hole Notes
Appendix A DWG TrueConnect
A.1 Introduction
A.2 Inventor & AutoCAD Files
AutoCAD Files in Inventor
Inventor Files in AutoCAD
DWG Template
Shared Objects
A.3 Geometry Formatting Tools
Exercise A1 DWG Files in Inventor
Exercise A2 Inventor DWG in AutoCAD (Optional)
Appendix B Additional Exercises
Exercise B1 Drawing Creation I
Exercise B2 Drawing Creation II
Exercise B3 Drawing Creation III