This course is provided by Wintrac.
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Object oriented analysis and design training
This is a focused, hands-on and interactive workshop that teaches students the skills and techniques necessary to use UML (Unified Modeling Language) for modeling real-world software systems. It provides students with a thorough grounding in understanding and using the industry standard UML modeling language in day to day activities of building a software system.
The course begins with a high level overview of OO programming and concepts. It then moves on to introduce the various UML diagrams at a high level. Students will then learn how to effectively use each diagram, how to create one, and when it is most useful. The course also goes into depth into some of the non-diagrammatic aspects of modeling, such as creating Use Cases.
The course is an even balance between theory and practical exercises with an emphasis on techniques for identifying and resolving real world problems and issues.
50% hands-on, 50% lecture
Course duration
3 Days
Course outline
Session 1: Overview of OO Concepts
- Intro: Fields of Study
- Object Orientation Overview
- Object Oriented Concepts
- Stating the Case for Object Orientation
- Labs: The OO Paradigm, Object Oriented Concepts
Session 2: Unified Modeling Language (UML) Diagrams
- Unified Modeling Language Defined
- Static Diagrams
- Use Case, Class, Package, Component, Deployment
- Dynamic Diagrams
- Collaboration, Sequence, State Chart, Activity
- Labs:Class Diagram, Collaboration/Sequence Diagram, State Diagram
Session 3: Modeling with UML
- Introduction to Modeling, UML and USDP
- Modeling Classes and Objects
- Relationships
- States and Activities
Session 4: Modeling with Use Cases
- What is a Use Case, Use Case Diagram, Use Case Form?
- A Short History of Use Cases.
- Actors and Roles
- Use Case Scenarios
Session 5: UML Design Modeling
- Finding Classes
- Static design concepts
- Dynamic design concepts
- Domain UML
- Detailed UML