MEAN (MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS (or Angular), and Node.js) is a free and open-source JavaScript software stack for building dynamic web sites and web applications. This course provides a comprehensive introduction to MEAN covering a variety of topics including Single Page Application, Routing, MVC Concepts, AJAX, JSON, MongoDB, etc. This course has extensive hands on labs and emphasizes learning techniques that can be applied to real world problems
Learning Objectives
- Build a MEAN Stack Application
- Develop Single Page Applications
- Route the Single Page Application
- Write Express Back-End Web Services
- Consume Express Web Services
- Secure Angular applications
- Build backend processing applications using Node
- Build an HTTP server
- Understand the file system
- Work with buffers, streams, and events
- Store, retrieve, and modify data in the MongoDB NoSQL database
Basic knowledge of Javascript, HTML and CSS
Course duration
4 Days
Course outline
Unit 1 : Introduction
- Introduction of JavaScript programming language and technologies around
- Introduction to development tools
- Text Editor, IDE
- Command Prompt (command line)
- Git
- Git workflow (branching,push,pull)
- Yarn
- Postman
Unit 2 : JavaScript
- Data types and variables
- Conditionals, loop
- Functions (inbuilt function)
- Closure
- Callbacks
- Promises
- Prototypes (prototype-based inheritance)
- Array and Objects
- Map reduce
- Document Object Model (DOM)
- ES5 and ES6 standards
Unit 3 : NodeJS
- Introduction to nodejs
- Node package manager (npm)
- Asynchronous and event loop in node js
- Events and handling Events
- Node CLI
- Node modules
- File handling with node js
- Creating http server with nodejs
- Introduction to websockets
- Create realtime socket communication
Unit 4 : Express JS
- The model-view-controller pattern in ExpressJS
- Routing
- HTTP interaction
- Templating engine (jade,handlebars)
- Request and Response
- Handling form data
- Handling query parameter
- Status code response
- Middlewares in Express
- User authentication using jwt (json web token)
- Garbage collection and error handling
Unit 5 : MongoDB
- Understanding NoSQL (schema less database)
- Introduction to MongoDB (collection and documents)
- Database modeling and Schema design (using mongoose)
- Finding documents
- Using robomongo (ui based database system)
- Update, insert delete and upsert documents
- Aggregation in mongodb
Unit 6 : FrontEnd Technologies
- Basic Web Overview
- Introduction to css frameworks (Bootstrap)
Unit 7 : AngularJS 8
- SPA and Angularjs 2 framework architecture
- Typescript
- Class based inheritance
- Component based architecture
- Module based architecture
- Routing
Unit 8 : Explore Functions
- Data binding (one way and Two-way binding)
- Pipes and Directives
- Forms and Forms Validation
- Observables and promises (rxjs map,subscribe,catch)
- Dependency injection
- Services ($http)
- Decorators
- Introduction to frontend build tools (angular CLI, Webpack)