This class covers a wide variety of AngularJS features.
- Participants will learn all the AngularJS basics, then will build an AngularJS application.
- Focus will on AngularJS 2.0 usage
Learning Objectives
- Participants will learn about the AngularJS basics
- Participants will learn how to build an AngularJS application.
- The Participants will build a seating management application as per specs provided by the customer
- Participants will also understand how to incorporate angularjs features into an existing application - in a hybrid fashion
- Some application functionality will continue to be as per current design
- Some additional features will be added using angularjs design.
Participants should have experience with HTML, JavaScript, and jQuery or another DOM manipulation library, for example by having worked in server-side web development (in Java, JSP, PHP, ASP, etc.) in the past
Course duration
4 Days
Course outline
Unit 1 : Introduction
- Class Objectives & Roadmap
- Prerequisites Review
- Student Background & Expectations
Unit 2 : What is a SPA?
- Single Page Apps vs Conventional Web Applications
- Where Angular Fits
Unit 3 : Angular Overview
- Setup & Installation
- Templating
- Two-way Data Binding
- Controllers
- Scopes
- Dependency Injection
- Routing & Multiple Views
- Custom Filters
- Event Handlers
- Intro to Custom Services
Unit 4 : Set up a project workspace
- Installing and Configuring Necessary Tools
- Creating a Starter Application
Unit 5 : Modules
- Purpose
- Advantages
- Warnings
- Recommendations
Unit 6 : Controllers & Scopes in more depth
- Side-by-Side Controllers
- Nested Controllers
- Controller As
- Testing Controllers
Unit 7 : Developing & Debugging
- Recommended Tools
- Techniques
- Common Issues
Unit 8 : Digest Cycle & Watches
- The "watch"
- How It Works
- $apply, $digest, etc.
- Variations
- Performance Considerations
Unit 9 : Form Validation
- Using the Form Element
- Naming Inputs
- Utilizing Form Properties
- Dynamic Styles
Unit 10 : Angular Services
- What are they?
- Why use them?
- Constants & Values
- Services
- Factories
- When to use each kind?
- Testing Services (etc.)
Unit 11 : Promises
- Concepts & Definitions
- The Problem with Callbacks
- More Than Just Async
- The Promises You Already Know
- Essentials
- Chaining Promises
- Error Handling
- Q and $q
- The Deferred Object
- Route Resolve
- Testing with Promises
Unit 12 : Directives
- Concepts & Definitions
- Why Directives?
- Built-In Directives
- Building Custom Directives
- Reusability
Unit 13: Testing in Angular
- Unit testing
- Working with Dependency Injection
- Other Unit testing issues
- End-to-end testing
- Angular-Mock
- Angular's E2E testing framework
- Protractor
- Commands and expectations
- Controlling what happens before and after the test
- Running a scenario
- Jasmine Test Framework
- Challenges for testing
- Jasmine Introduction
- Features: Asserts, Suites, Async, Spies
- Karma Test runner
Unit 14: JavaScript TDD with Jasmine
- Justifying test-driven JavaScript development
- Quick review of test-driven development
- Bene?ts of test-driven development
- The test-driven development cadence
- The importance of "spiking"
- karma
- phantom.js
- Introducing Jasmine
- Jasmine suite
- Jasmine specification
- Jasmine Matchers
- Jasmine setup using beforeEach
- Jasmine tear down using afterEach
- Jasmine custom matchers
- Jasmine spies
- Jasmine spy usage
- Loose matching with jasmine.any
- Jasmine asynchronous support
- Jasmine asynchronous example
- Unit testing tips
Unit 15: Testing Angular with Karma
- Installing Karma
- Karma with Webstorm
- Testing Controllers
- Testing Simple Services
- Testing Services with Dependencies
- Testing AJAX Services
- Testing Filters
- Testing Directives - Overview
- Setting up Karma for Testing Directives
- Testing Directives
- End to End Testing - Overview
- Setting up Karma for End to End Testing
- End to End Testing - Part 1
- End to End Testing - Part 2
- Troubleshooting End to End Tests
- karma-coverage
- Code coverage report
- How do we sustain test-driven development
- Functional/acceptance testing
- Hands-on: Implement e2e testing for one scenario
Unit 16: Additional Concepts
- Typical "design patterns" in Angular JS.
- Best Practices